The point of GEX is to take a complex and multidimensional source of data (the option market) and distill it into something that's actually useful. When the DIX is higher, market sentiment in dark pools is generally more bullish. The key differentiator is the expansion of volatility that seems to occur around zero gamma (black line, first chart). Keep track of the broad market's Gamma Exposure and profit from put squeezes. Where could this possibly be going, you wonder? The answer is the MM sells short (that is, sell a stock that they dont own). The chart above shows a snapshot of the price action of the S&P 500 in recent days. Suppose, for a moment, that there's a stock that just can't catch a break. In this article I attempt to simply but deeply explain the Dark Index (DIX) and Gamma Exposure (GEX), two powerful market indicators that can be used to forecast short-term market movements. The chart below depicts the common gamma notional reading which seems to show volatility expansion around the $1 billion mark. The reason for this actually stems from the risk-adverse nature of MMs. Also keep in mind that most of this volume is from well-informed institutions. We theorize that absolute returns are lower during these very negative gamma environments due to the risk tolerance of dealers during large drawdowns. Conveniently, dark pool short sale volume data is readily available through FINRA and is a good approximation of overall short-selling volume, given how much volume occurs in dark pools. The DIX and GEX are built on inferring MM behavior to predict short-term market movements. This means that the market-maker has to go to the market and short more shares of PBF, pushing the price down further! When GEX is low, volatility is high, and while we expect a choppy market, further losses are unlikely. The chart below shows how much gamma is outstanding at each strike from the point of view of the current spot. And what if the price of PBF goes up? a. This chart visualizes the direct causality between gamma exposure and subsequent price moves - SqueezeMetrics An awareness of this hidden market force can be an area that provides potential edge for traders looking for the change from a low volatility to a high volatility environment to adjust their trading and market exposure. Gamma is the option Greek that relates to the second risk, as an option's gamma is used to estimate the change in the option's delta relative to $1 movements in the share price. Well, in the world of options, this is called "delta-hedging," and option market-makers are doing it all the time. The primary principle behind the DIX is the understanding that short-selling often implies that non-MM market participants are buying (thus resulting in MMs selling short). S&P 500 Stock Market Gamma Trading Levels Based on Options Open Interest. Unfortunately (and this is especially true in the market), the things that are harder to understand are generally more important. The delta of an at-the-money option is somewhere around 0.50 (50%), because there's something like a chance of it being worth anything when it expires. Fortunately, just like the DIX, SqueezeMetrics makes the GEX available here. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Option traders talk about "delta-hedging" and being "delta-neutral" all day long. Another way to express this is that gamma is the rate of change of delta. If you find it hard to believe the majority of short-selling volume comes from MMs, check out data from the SEC where about 49% of stock trades are marked with the seller short. For example, a delta of 20 means that if a stock moves by $1, the options contracts price moves by $0.20. While the DIX is focused on short-selling volume, the GEX is focused on options. I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. Symbol Info by TradingView. We all know what a "short squeeze" is. When the DIX is lower, it is more bearish or uncertain. Because, let's be honest - for those of us who aren't professional option traders, the glimmer of understanding that we have when someone says "high put-call ratio" disappears as soon as someone starts talking about "theta decay," "term structure," or "pinning.". #Hint: GAMMA SCALPER input Length=20; #hint Length: On intraday, this is the number of days used to calculate the atr. This will give you a total gamma exposure per strike! MMs are in all sorts of markets, and the options market is not spared of their presence. Dependencies: pandas, numpy, holidays, datetime, requests, py_vollib, pyVolLib (my helper file in this directory), matplotlib Signal chart following the trades generated on the Gamma Exposure Index applied on the S&P500 daily data. The in-depth and more technical papers on the DIX and GEX by SqueezeMetrics can be found here (DIX) and here (GEX). Notes on Gamma Exposure (GEX) - "GEX ($ per 1% move)" is given as "Naive GEX", meaning that it is calculated under assumptions that Market Makers are buying calls and selling puts. Because MMs make money from fulfilling trades, they want to stay consistently market neutral. Put succinctly, options MMs buy or sell shares to hedge their open options positions to remain market neutral, and the amount of shares they buy or sell is dependent on the delta of each options contract. Delta hedging relies, unsurprisingly, on the concept of the delta of options contracts. Prior to options expiry, there are very strong Vanna and Charm flows, and if there is any weakness in the S&P 500, due to the out-of-money nature of the index, the options market dealers will be buying back their shorts, this creates a natural tailwind to stop any . very helpful as a supplemental resource to understanding the GEX. Gamma exposure, sometimes referred to as dollar gamma, measures the second order price sensitivity of an option or portfolio to changes in the price of an underlying security. We don't really care about this except for how and why it affects us as run-of-the-mill investors. Signal chart following the trades generated on the Gamma Exposure Index applied on the S&P500 daily data. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. For example, a delta of 20 means that if a stock moves by $1, the options contracts price moves by $0.20. SPX (GEX) Dark Liquidity Gamma Exposure (Market Makers) S&P 500 Index ( SP:SPX ) samitrading Updated Dec 18, 2021 Wave Analysis Beyond Technical Analysis Trend Analysis SPX (S&P 500 Index) sp500index 9 4 Dec 13, 2020 Trigger line is + 7,000,000,000 Wish you all the best. A wide spread results in non-optimal prices for traders. Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. Please disable your ad-blocker and refresh. Equity markets traded down, yesterday, on the heels of the Federal Reserve's (Fed) decision to raise interest rates by 0.75% and "keep at it" for longer, eyeing a 1.25% jump, in sum, by 2023. Gamma Exposure. 2022 Northstar Risk Corp. All rights reserved. Chart by TradingView. In other words, gamma estimates the change in an option's directional risk as the stock price changes. So gamma says: "If XYZ goes from $5 to $6, the delta of this call option will go from 0.75 to 1.00." In this. The delta of the put goes down, and the market-maker now has to buy back the shares that they sold short! As such, a trader can use the DIX as another way to gauge where the market is headed. A low GEX value (in this case -22,120) means that the option market is skewed toward put options, and that the gamma of those put options is liable to force market-makers into a put squeeze like we described above. And so the first thing the we really need to understand is You can think of delta as an option's "probability." The buyers - many of them having bought in July - patiently wait for things to turn, but they're clever enough to know that things don't always go according to plan. In other words, the, This will be slightly technical, but bear with me (or skip below to the underlying simplified principle). If the put had a delta of 0.20 (20%), they'll do this by going to the market and shorting 20 shares. For your security, we need to re-authenticate you. . Our goal was to enhance the metric, and make it more user friendly. Because real-time short sale volume for public stock exchanges isnt readily available, the DIX uses a proxy. As such, if an MM buys a call contract (representing 100 shares) with a delta of 20, then they would sell short 20 shares to keep their book value the same despite the change in the stocks price. This change in delta is known as gamma. The code above gives us the signals shown in the chat. Gamma Exposure (GEX) is a dollar-denominated measure of option market-makers' hedging obligations. The delta is how much an options contracts price changes when the stocks price changes by $1. The Gamma Exposure Index also known as the GEX, relates to the sensitivity of option contracts to changes in the underlying price. For the past several months we have been analyzing a new method for monitoring stock market gamma we are calling the SpotGamma Index. Current market gamma measurements are an attempt to estimate the notional change in option market makers portfolios for a given move in the SPX index. The Dark Index (DIX) is a dollar-weighted measure of the Dark Pool Indicator (DPI) of the S&P 500 components. First we'd note the heteroscedastic nature of the SpotGamma Index is similar to that of typical "Gamma Notional" plots (see 3rd chart in green). The more negative it is, the deeper the stocks price will tend to fall, yet super negative GEX values also mean that options MMs become at risk of what is known as a gamma squeeze. Bear with us for a moment. As such, if an MM buys a call contract (representing 100 shares) with a delta of 20, then they would sell short 20 shares to, Fortunately, just like the DIX, SqueezeMetrics makes the, The in-depth and more technical papers on the DIX and GEX by SqueezeMetrics can be found. As you can see in the Gamma Curve below, the general distribution of gamma is very similar to current gamma estimates. Observing Gamma Exposure introduces us to a new kind of squeeze - one that arises from another constrained counterparty: the market-makers of options. Now consider if you were in the business of flipping these tricky coins. When the DIX is higher, market sentiment in dark pools is generally more bullish. Accordingly we have decided to refer to the SpotGamma Index using an abbreviated two digit number which conveys the data in a more compact form. This results in violent price jumps for heavily sold stocks. A good MM will keep the distance (the spread) between the bid and offer minimal. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. Gamma Exposure (GEX) is a dollar-denominated measure of option market-makers' hedging . There are four predictors that form the basis of all of our data (a) price, (b) volatility, (c) gamma, and (d) dark let's address each of them in turn. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. That is to say, every time an investor wants to buy or sell a stock on the market, there is someone they can buy or sell to, and the price is a good price. The SpotGamma Index seeks to estimate the change in portfolio value due to Gamma for a given change in SPX. It's worth noting that at the time of writing, PBF is up 4%. When someone quotes gamma as $1 billion that is generally meant to portray the notional amount that a dealer will have to buy or sell per point move in the S&P500 (via ES futures) . Separately, if the "keep at it" quote sounds familiar, that's because it is. Gamma Exposure, or GEX, basically sums up the gamma of all open options positions for a stock or index and provides an approximate view of how many shares MMs need to buy or sell to remain market neutral when the underlying stock price changes. Apr 8. . FinanceTLDR. The primary principle behind the DIX is the understanding that short-selling often implies that non-MM market participants are buying (thus resulting in MMs selling short). Signal chart following the trades generated on the Gamma Exposure Index applied on the S&P500 daily . Its incredibly lucrative to operate one if youre fast and cutting edge. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.View Full Risk Disclosure, JUST ENTER YOUR EMAIL BELOW AND YOU'LL GET ACCESS TO TODAY'S SPOTGAMMA REPORT AT NO CHARGE, Anatomy Of A Short Squeeze: This Is How Hedge Funds Pounce On Retail Meme Stonks. On interday, it is the number of chart aggregation periods used to calculate atr. Prior to releasing this data and providing the measurement for subscribers we did have several people examine and backtest the data. Let's call it PBF Energy (PBF). Just like in the case of PBF, the broad market responds well to the combination of high dark pool interest and low (put-heavy) GEX. When the DIX is lower, it is more bearish or uncertain. We are also very intrigued by what happens during extremely negative gamma movements (left of pink line in the chart below). \n\nrev:1.2.0 05/18/2017 comment-out labels except for the ATR label \nrev: 1.1.0 05/17/2017 plot standard deviation of true range offset from hod and lod. When imbalances occur, the effects of market makers' hedges may cause price swings (such as short squeezes). Standard, or "naive" Gamma curves are based on a set of simple assumptions intended to describe how dealers are positioned in the market. To ensure this doesnt happen in the future, please enable Javascript and cookies in your browser. getting more negative), but they can hedge against expanding volatility. In addition, I found this article very helpful as a supplemental resource to understanding the GEX. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one's financial security or lifestyle. Can you guess what it means? To clarify, let's look at an example. Then prices go up, more shorts are "squeezed," prices go up more, everyone celebrates, etc. The code above gives us the signals shown in the chat. For e.g., if every time you flipped a coin, the probability were liable to shift mid-flight, you would certainly change your approach toward betting on that coin flip, and you'd probably want to have a way to assess those changes. Market makers (MMs) are market participants that get paid to add liquidity to markets. Functionally we believe this data has proven to be of great use, but with a few areas we felt could be further developed. So gamma says: "If XYZ goes from $5 to $6, the delta of this call option will go from 0.75 to 1.00.". Here's the important point: This dynamic is the very same one that helped push the broad market indices (SPY, NASDAQ:QQQ, NYSEARCA:DIA) up in early trading yesterday and today. As evidenced by the Dark Pool Indicator (DPI, the blue line), a lot of institutions are keen on owning the stock for around $22, but without cooperation from certain commodities (USO), the price is having a hard time getting off the ground. When short sellers are constrained by unhappy circumstances, they are forced to buy back shares. Delta hedging relies, unsurprisingly, on the concept of the delta of options contracts. The first mark shows the day of options expiry. There are some more complexities to the GEX that I wont dive deeper into here (watch out for an article explaining options in detail in the future) but the primary takeaway from the GEX is that a negative value means that options MM hedging activity introduces volatility in the stock market, while a positive value means that the same hedging activity introduces stability. Short-selling is highly speculative and its highly unlikely that non-MM market participants are pervasively selling short. Calculates estimate of market maker gamma exposure derived from S&P 500 index options. Click the link we sent to , or click here to sign in. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Research - Predict the Market With the Dark Index and Gamma Exposure, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). - A stock's Call Skew influences the "Skew Adjusted GEX" (SA-GEX), which changes to reflect estimated MM exposure. I hope this article has helped you understand DIX and GEX, and also helped shed light on some very interesting mechanics around how the behavior of pervasive market makers can move markets. Short-selling is highly speculative and its highly unlikely that non-MM market participants are pervasively selling short. This is not the kind of gamma exposure that turned Bruce Banner into the Incredible Hulk. So please feel free to add your $0.02 in the comments - and be sure to follow SqueezeMetrics for more articles like this. Please. The charts below highlight two key graphics depicting the important but subtle changes in gamma using this updated formula. The higher value of the DIX, the more short-selling has occurred, and the more likely the market is bullish. 0 subscriptions will be displayed on your profile (edit). Price (P) Movement in price is usually denominated in dollars, points, or percent. Now look at the chart of PBF with the orange GEX line displayed. 2. Simple hedging. After that we multiply them by 100. Todays markets might be vast and complex but it certainly pays to understand its mechanics, and its even better if the complexity can be boiled down to simple indicators. Below is a sample of our Gamma Exposure charts. The delta is how much an options contracts price changes when the stocks price changes by $1. Kudos to SqueezeMetrics for developing the DIX and GEX. In addition, understanding how they work sheds light on the inner workings of parts of todays vast and complex stock market. Its not great to sell into a low bid, or buy into a high offer. Gamma exposure, sometimes referred to as dollar gamma, measures the second order price sensitivity of an option or portfolio to changes in the price of an underlying security. As such, MMs dont want to hold any trade positions; no longs and no shorts. 49% of stock trades are marked with the seller short. move. The DIX indicator is based off of dark pool short sale data. In this case, the gamma implies that the magnitude of the squeeze is 22,120 shares (per 1% move). We have gone through a rigorous testing process to ensure that this new measurement does not abandon the value of the current market gamma readings. We like to think that our research explains the reality of the market better than most models, but we can never improve our forecasts without a little help from our friends. These curves are a small fraction of what SpotGamma monitors to gain an understanding of options impact stocks. Yup, MMs do a LOT of short-selling, but why would they when shorting is very risky? When the price of a stock changes (as they frequently do), the probability (delta) of an option's "moneyness" also changes. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). Negative GEX also means that there are more put contracts open for the stock or index, implying that the market is bearish, while a positive GEX is the result of more call contracts and thus a bullish market. Although little known, dark pools surprisingly account for a large portion of overall stock trading volume (about one third). But remember, delta changes, and here's why that matters: If the price of PBF goes down, the delta of that put goes up. Thankfully, SqueezeMetrics makes the DIX available here. For example, if the delta of a call contract owned by an options MM increases by 10, then the MM needs to sell short 10 more shares on the stock market. (This is why we say that GEX can fuel volatility.). Movement in price is rarely, if ever, denominated in what really mattersthe price . Before I jump into the DIX and GEX, we need to first understand market makers. The Four Axes. In addition, understanding how they work sheds light on the inner workings of parts of today's vast and complex stock market. As such, MMs are found on both sides of the market, creating bids and offers. The delta of a deep in-the-money option that expires. Risk-Based Performance Attribution Analysis. When GEX is high, the option market is implying that volatility will be low. As such, they rely on a unique mechanism to hedge their options positions called delta hedging. However, because the options market is significantly less liquid than the stock market, options MMs often have to hold many open options positions even though they still want to remain market neutral. In this article I attempt to simply but deeply explain the Dark Index (DIX) and Gamma Exposure (GEX), two powerful market indicators that can be used to forecast short-term market movements. First wed note the heteroscedastic nature of the SpotGamma Index is similar to that of typical Gamma Notional plots (see 3rd chart in green). A high DIX means that the market is likely going up, since more people are buying, and vice versa for a low DIX. For an underlying with price S, then, we have: For an option with priceV, the second order approximation to the change in the price of an option due to a change in the price of the underlying is: By multiplying and dividing byS, we can express the equation in terms of delta and gamma exposures: In other words, to a second order approximation, the change in the value of an option is equal to the dollar delta multiplied by the percentage change in the value of the underlying security plus the dollar gamma multiplied by the percentage change in the underlying security squared. All content on this site is provided for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as advice to buy or sell any securities. This is why it's called spot gamma exposure. Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. So when things turn down, they buy put options as insurance. See how low it was yesterday? Profile by TradingView. As the comments shown above demonstrate, our explanation may have been lacking. SPX Gamma Exposure. That's lower than it's ever been in the stock's history. Dec 18, 2021 This puts the current target rate at 3.00-3.25%. Dealers must make markets and therefore cannot do much to limit their gamma exposure from expanding (i.e. If the MM typically doesnt hold any stock how do they sell to the trader? Gamma measures how much that probability will change in the event of a 1-pt. We can see that they are of good quality and typically the false signals occur only on times of severe volatility and market-related issues. In other words, the more short-selling there is, the more likely the market is actually bullish. If you now click on the Pivot Table Analyse tab -> Pivot Chart, you'll get an excellent visualisation. And it does: Let's talk about one example. So before you take your next position in the market, make sure you assess the broad market's Gamma Exposure! Ideally, market movements should not affect the profitability of MMs. Check it out at Mathematically, gamma exposure is equal to half the gamma of the portfolio multiplied by the price of the underlying security squared. GEX is useful for a trader to gauge volatility of a stock or index and is especially interesting when it gets negative. Mathematically, gamma exposure is equal to half the gamma of the portfolio multiplied by the price of the underlying security squared. Gamma measures how much that probability will change in the event of a 1-pt. Besides public stock exchanges, trading also happens in dark pools, which are exchanges that dont have visible orderbooks and are mostly used by institutions to trade large blocks of stocks. This appears to manifest in subtle changes, but at distinct moments. Once they sell short, the MM immediately tries to close the short position by buying stocks from traders that want to sell. move. If you compare this to the Gamma Notional scatter chart (3rd below in green) you can see that the similar expansion appears to occur more around the $1bn mark. Tradable ideas At the zero gamma level, the switching point from long to short gamma, we often see a strong reversal to the upside, because the level acts as a reliable support area. If you were, you would probably want to be able to quickly and accurately adjust for those rates-of-change. This will be slightly technical, but bear with me (or skip below to the underlying simplified principle). The DIX and GEX are excellent examples of applying a deep understanding of market mechanics to develop unique indicators which provide a better view of the overall state of the market. Four examples should clear it up: Get the idea? Like the DIX, the GEX is also built on MM behavior. It shouldn't seem too strange that "the rate of change of probability" could be important. . Below is a sample of our GEX dashboard. Unconventional data, tools, and analysis for money managers. This can be seen in the chart below where there is a slight positive correlation between the DIX and 60-market-day returns. Gamma Statistics The charts below highlight two key graphics depicting the important but subtle changes in gamma using this updated formula. That might not sound like a lot, but it has a huge effect on daily prices and greatly improves the odds of a winning position (and it helps us understand why prices are doing what they're doing at any given time, too). The Dark Index (DIX) is a dollar-weighted measure of the Dark Pool Indicator (DPI) of the S&P 500 components. We first mentioned Gamma Exposure, or "GEX," in our last article, which introduced the idea of using dark pool data to forecast the direction of the S&P 500 index (NYSEARCA:SPY). However, the delta of an options contract is constantly changing based on the underlying stock price, so options MMs also need to constantly adjust their hedge size to match the delta. But what happens if a trader buys from an MM? Practically speaking, quantifying gamma in such granularity seems to serve no purpose but has grown in nomenclature which we find a bit inconvenient. Our belief is that dealers are long vega to protect tail risk and this may help in reducing volatility after large selloffs. 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