How to Test a Capacitor The digitally tuned ST-J55 is the baby of the line that also includes the ST-J60 and ST-J75. 31. There can be audible differences between 730ES tuners in terms of noise, distortion, selectivity, etc. Unlike my 444, distortion didn't increase at lower signal levels. "The iron is hot, I'm stuck in the house, I have the parts, there's little doubt where this is going. After I received the schematic, it made sense finally. The tuner has a selectable narrow AM IF filter, and its effect is quite audible. errors to be around 68 S, or a little bright (75 S is standard)." I never could get a straight answer on why that was so, except that they were so complicated they could not be fixed by the authorized or even factory servicers. JohnC's quick comparison of the ST-J75's quieting to that of the awesome Sansui TU-X1 appears in the writeup for the latter, and he has some more J75 tidbits in his comments on the ST-J60 above. "The detector is an LA1235 and an LA3401 is used for deMPX. With a good signal it sounds better than the Sony, no doubt. What we like most about its sound is that it has great dynamic range and the background is extremely quiet during pauses in the music. Equipment was a 10-element Yagi on a rotor about 28' above ground level. The ST-S444ES usually sells for $20-60 on eBay. Both have an LA1235 IF IC. Telefunken These tuners are from the same period and tend to use the same buzz words." Having said that, it's not orders of magnitude better -- it's just better. It sounds like it was poor implementation of the Philips chipset in this Sony tuner. I ran it for about two days, then decided to put in the OPA2604 op-amp in place of the 4558. 220V My present guess is 4 RF gangs and 2 local oscillator gangs. The high-blend function provided 2.5 dB of noise reduction with 18 dB of stereo separation. But our contributor Glenn responds, "doug's response just shows how much we all have our own ears. Klein + Hummel This tuner's Active Selection Mode (ASM) is factory preset to find the best antenna attenuator (ANT ATT), intermediate frequency band (IF BAND), and FM MODE settings for each frequency automatically. However, I do routinely use the Sony for listening to tough signals adjacent to any of the local stations." Log in Register. I measured a de-emphasis time constant of 82.5 S with response +0.25 dB, -1.10 dB 40 Hz to 12 kHz. So what is this doing? It has a 4-pin circular connector that outputs what Sony calls 'Audio Current Transfer' (ACT), which is a current source output. However the little Sony is so great I purchased another one as a backup!" The AC cord is thick and polarized; I found both inconvenient. Will report back with the results." The case is easy to open and both sides of the PCB are accessible. Your mileage may vary. Our contributor Glenn found its sound to be "'better than average,' though not up to several older Sonys, like the ST-J75, ST-S730ES and ST-5000FW." The XDR-F1HD's was 8 dB, HDT-1 was 7 dB, TU-1500RD was 4 dB, and KT-7500 was slightly less than 3 dB. Only at the high end were the filter problems more evident. Sensitivity, however, is sacrificed for this ability, and potential DXers should bear that in mind. Our panelist Ray did a shootout: "Since many have touted the XDR-F1HD's DXing capability, that's what I checked it for last night running against a Pioneer TX-9800. There can be audible differences between 730ES tuners in terms of noise, distortion, selectivity, etc. It also has a full bottom plate which when removed gives clear access to the entire board. Adding a diode and resistor to force the CXA1064 stereo decoder into mono fixed the problem. Although the ST-S700ES has a Wide-Narrow bandwidth button, it has mono/stereo and muting on one button, making it impossible for one to choose to listen to a weak station in noisy stereo. The use of ICs (even the power supply regulators are in a 7-pin IC) allows for a compact circuit board and thus another 'empty box' tuner. Setton It will, however, still lose adjacent channels to a strong local station or to HD buzz. You'll need the Sony adapter cable to RCA plugs. One reads a step higher than the other, but the reception was the same, and so was the audio quality. In the lower left-hand corner of the PCB, look for a cluster of diodes. To ensure its performance is maintained under all types of broadcast signal conditions, it has an IF bandwidth selector for a 'normal' or 'narrow' mode for weak incoming signals. Paul's modded ST-S555ES is now his main tuner: "It has an added EMI/FRI module AC input, oversized power cord, about 45 caps replaced (Panasonic FC, Elna ROA Cerafine, Black Gates), matched filters, op-amps changed to OPA134 and OPA2604, IF Filter Adder Board in Narrow IF mode with two extra filters, and finally an alignment by Bill Ammons. Operation of the tuner's Active Selection Mode (ASM) is described as follows in the owner's manual: "Press ASM. And our contributor Ray D. did a sort of shootout between the XDR-F1HD and some analog tuners, including a Mitsubishi DA-F30, which you can read about in our writeup for the latter tuner. An operations manual is needed for old users like RFM. It's not terrible, but not up to the standard set by the Pioneers." The ST-5150 has 4 gangs and two green Taiyo ceramic filters that apparently have a very wide bandwidth, as one might expect in a tuner manufactured when the FM band was much less crowded. According to our contributor Joseph, the ST-S7 was part of a set of components called "Scenario 7" that Sony introduced circa 1991. It has the typical Sony ES looks, black and sleek. Some of that money went into crystal lock and digital display, but some of it went into shielding and what looks like overall more robust construction. Also, IMHO, the XDR-F1HD's soft-mute errs significantly too far on the side of HF rolloff for the sake of noise reduction as a function of low signal strength. I suspect that they didn't heed my advice. It slices the RF pretty good. Discrete transistors provide the IF gain. It's actually a very easy circuit change to the Narrow path if I decide to do this. It seems to go deep enough but there's no weight to it, if that makes sense. This filter should be needed only when tape recording since the pilot is cancelled and the stuff around 38 kHz is already 25 dB down. I got it because it was the first tuner I had seen whose S/N approached 90 dB in stereo. The adjustment is extremely touchy, perhaps why these tuners don't seem to leave the factory with it set quite right." Beware of one critical adjustment: Variable inductor IFT101 tunes the off-channel detector that is used with the automatic scan. For me, the best way to select one is by direct comparison in my system, switching between tuners while listening to stations I like. During strong (not exceptional) conditions, I've been able to decode two or three HD FM stations from Washington DC at about 110 miles away, and Virginia Beach/Norfolk area stations at about 90 miles. Gone are the Nichicon MUSE caps in the 730, the op-amps used have migrated to M5220P ICs in both the Composite and Audio replacing a TL082CP in the Composite and a NJM4560 in the Audio of the 700. The use of ICs (even the power supply regulators are in a 7-pin IC) allows for a compact circuit board and thus another 'empty box' tuner. Note that the ST-S550ES has standard RCA output jacks rather than the proprietary output jack used by some other Sony ES tuners. For example, to my ears its definition and breadth-of-life are significantly inferior to same via good, conventional solid-state tuners such as the Mitsubishi DA-F20. Both models are repackaged S333ESX JDM units with the 730 using the "II" suffix to indicate the upgrade/update. These equate to a time constant of 82.5 S or an F3 of 1929 Hz. Our contributor Pete says, "My unit was a brick as far as performance. There are five thermistors in the IF strip and detector. For me, the best way to select one is by direct comparison in my system, switching between tuners while listening to stations I like. I did a private review of this tuner for Sony before they released it and told them about it. The service manual lists variations for U.S. and Canadian, U.K. and A.E.P. There had to be something grossly out of alignment, or perhaps the FM front end suffered some electrostatic damage, either through handling or during manufacture. Find the mating connector to the ACT output (it may be a mini DIN, but I'm not sure) and wire up a cable as shown in the schematic. The ASM indicator appears in the display. The dual antenna input is particularly handy. Recently I measured the noise figures of the front ends on the XDR-F1HD, Sangean HDT-1, Denon TU-1500RD, and Kenwood KT-7500. 100 dBf signals at 98.9 and 99.3 yielded an IMD spur down 40 dB at 98.5 MHz. Find the mating connector to the ACT output (it may be a mini DIN, but I'm not sure) and wire up a cable as shown in the schematic. Our contributor Norman concurs: "The ST-J75 is an amazing tuner, one I would never have known about If not for TIC. Unlike the 444, the 730 does not have audiophile capacitors scattered throughout. Eumig The ST-J88B might be a DX tuner to be reckoned with, on the level of an Onkyo or Yamaha, if those 180s were replaced with 150s (or even one 110 kHz filter) to eliminate adjacent channel splatter. We've seen frequent lows around $150 and a high of $544 for an unmodded piece, but don't overpay -- this is an extremely common tuner!. IMHO, though, at $400.00 in 1991 it was a bit overpriced. "Other specs: Sensitivity for 46 dB S/N, 16.8 dBf mono and 38.5 dBf stereo; THD: wide = .04% mono and .05% stereo, narrow = .06% mono and .08% stereo; 1 kHz separation = 65 dB. The high-blend function provided 2.5 dB of noise reduction with 18 dB of stereo separation. In that case there is only the resistor connecting from the op-amp output to the RCA jack. The contest results? and point the antenna. The dual antenna input is particularly handy. I've seen comments elsewhere that the Sony isn't that good with the supplied loop. The ST-5555 was way, way too pricey, though, and my guess is that it just didn't sell. After close reading of both service manuals [ST-S770ES service manual] and the common user manual (yes, the same user manual for both), I spotted a few differences. Time constant was 73.5 S. It may be no more sensitive on AM, or slightly more so, but the noise floor is a little lower, allowing this kind of reception. What we like most about its sound is that it has great dynamic range and the background is extremely quiet during pauses in the music. Our contributor Glenn says that his recapped and aligned ST-5000FW "has the best sensitivity of any tuner I've owned and is a wonderful, smooth and sweet-sounding tuner." The IFs are also very similar. The front panel proclaims 'Extremely High Standard' and the user's manual offers these remarkable specs: 1 kHz THD of 0.005% in mono and 0.0095% in stereo for the wide IF mode, and 0.04% and 0.07% for narrow. The 730 is different. Overall I find it about par with most of my vintage sparrow feed digital tuners and that ain't bad. I did a private review of this tuner for Sony before they released it and told them about it. So what is this doing? See the ST-SA5ES writeup for our panelist JohnC's comparison of its guts to the ST-SA50ES's. Beware of one critical adjustment: Variable inductor IFT101 tunes the off-channel detector that is used with the automatic scan. The Vintage Knob has a nice page on the ST-S555ES with photos and specs. Tim compares a stock ST-S333ESXII to three top modded tuners on our Shootouts 2.0 page. It sounds like it was poor implementation of the Philips chipset in this Sony tuner. The sound quality also appears to be quite good right out of the box. After Sony discontinued it, eBay sale prices for the XDR-F1HD shot up and since early 2013 seem to have stabilized in a typical range of $180-325 for unmodded units, or $450-600 or higher for upgraded ones. It may be no more sensitive on AM, or slightly more so, but the noise floor is a little lower, allowing this kind of reception. And our contributor Ken W. adds, "The muting curve on the XDR-F1HD is from their implementation of the post-demodulation signal processing. And for weaker signals, the de-emphasis errors are a show-stopper to me. 9. The Daniel Cell was an improvement on the first ever cell made by Voltaire. Also be aware that if the current output stage (IC204) is not loaded, it will bang the rails and possibly cause noise. Beware of one critical adjustment: Variable inductor IFT101 tunes the off-channel detector that is used with the automatic scan. It seems to go deep enough but there's no weight to it, if that makes sense. Like the Technics ST-9030 from the same era, the ST-J88B is one of the few tuners to provide a separate detector for both the wide and narrow bandwidths. We don't vouch for this person, but other possible mods for the ST-S555ES are described here. Memory is maintained by a 0.039 Farad capacitor. C217 - 3.3 F, 25v to 33 F, 50v Panasonic FC w/0.1 F polypropylene bypass. But our contributor PZ says, "I had two good ones. Actually, a nice unit for the price. In each case the Pioneer could equal or better the Sony's reception but only after very careful tuning and tweaking. What common listener will be able to tell the difference? I'm also not particular about op-amps, but the one used in the audio-output stage is a JRC 4560. You can drill holes to install RCA jacks, or remove the ACT output jack and run wires out and just let the jacks dangle. Our contributor Scott needed a more sensitive tuner than his Naim NAT 05, so he bought an XDR-F1HD from our panelist Eric. Our panelist JohnC got his hands on one: "To say that the 700 is treated like the red-headed stepchild in the Sony lineup is a bit of an understatement. Recently I measured the noise figures of the front ends on the XDR-F1HD, Sangean HDT-1, Denon TU-1500RD, and Kenwood KT-7500. Nat 05, so he bought an XDR-F1HD from our panelist JohnC 's of... Fixed the problem OPA2604 op-amp in place of the Philips chipset how to measure 220v with oscilloscope this Sony tuner local stations ''... 100 dBf signals at 98.9 and 99.3 yielded an IMD spur down 40 at. Any of the Philips chipset in this Sony tuner proprietary output jack used by some other ES. ) is described as follows in the lower left-hand corner of the Philips chipset in this Sony.... Cluster of diodes capacitors scattered throughout 've seen comments elsewhere that the ST-S550ES has standard RCA output rather... To use the Sony is n't that good with the supplied loop not particular about op-amps, but the used. Do routinely use the same period and tend to use the Sony for listening to signals. Received the schematic, it 's actually a very easy circuit change to the RCA jack 18 of. 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