Spirit Blue agar 9. In identification, the third area, an unknown bac- Physiological Characteristics. Priest and has been published by Springer Science & Business Media this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2012-12-06 with Science categories. Genomic Fingerprinting A group of techniques called genomic fingerprinting can also be used to classify microbes and help determine phylogenetic relationships. Grapelike cluster of bacteriaAnswer: CClarification: The division of bacteria into multiple groups form different structures like the chainlike division is called streptococci; the grapelike cluster is called staphylococci. In both rooted and unrooted trees, the lineage bifurcate to produce branches. First step in taxonomy. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 115 Let us consider six OTUs (operational taxonomic units) : S, T, W, X, Y, and Z to determine the phonetic relationship: Characters OTU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 T 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 W 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 X 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 Y 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Z 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0. Phylogenetic trees of species and higher taxa are used to study the evolution of traits (e.g., anatomical or molecular characteristics) and the distribution of organisms (biogeography). USSER Antibiotic Research Institute, Moscow Indian Type Culture collection (ITCC), Indian agricultural research institute, new Delhi Microbial Type Culture Collection and Gene Bank (MTCC), Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, India. Taxonomy unlike natural sciences such as Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry, etc. The sequences of proteins with dissimilar functions often change at different rates; some sequences change quite rapidly, whereas others are very stable. Sugar (eg glucose) broth with Durham 3. PDF Taxonomy and Identification (Classification) of Microorganisms Mark the common feature between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. 8. PDF Microbial Evolution and Diversity - sinauer.com 4. Download [PDF] Microbial Taxonomy Phylogeny And Biodiversity eBook 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 52 Bacterial Capsules: It usually consists of polysaccharides,but can be composed of other materials such as polypeptide D-glutamic acid, 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 53 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 54 2. Nucleic acid sequencing : Ribotyping and Ribosomal RNA Sequencing RNAs from small ribosomal subunits (16S and 18S rRNAs from procaryotes and eucaryotes, respectively) have become the molecules of choice for inferring microbial phylogenies and making taxonomic assignments at the genus level. Sulfur Indole Motility Media (SIM) 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 57 Case Study Tests Test for enzymes 1. Since a sequence of single-stranded DNA needs to find its complementary strand to reform a double helix, common sequences renature more rapidly than rare sequences. A grid is drawn on the base of the petri dish to mark out different regions. pH of the medium 7.4, 12/10/2019 DS/RKMV/MB 60 TSI REACTIONS: Yellow Acid Pink - Alkaline Yellow slant / Yellow butt (A/A) Lactose fermenters. Microbial Diversity In The Genomic Era written by Surajit Das and has been published by Academic Press this book supported file pdf, txt, epub, kindle and other format this book has been release on 2018-09-20 with Medical categories. A sample with a highly-repetitive sequence will renature rapidly, while complex sequences will renature slowly. Majority of them are unicellular but some may be colonial in form. For example, clinical microbiologists are interested in the serotype, antimicrobial resistance pattern and toxin production and invasiveness factors in E.coli, whereas geneticists are concerned with specific mutations and plasmids. Download Microbial Taxonomy Phylogeny And Biodiversity PDF/ePub, Mobi eBooks by Click Download or Read Online button. Mycolic acidB. One is nomenclature, which is the naming of bacteria. From the data we can calculate simple matching coefficient, by counting the number of character states for each character in common between two OTUs, and dividing this number by the total number of characters used. The viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages ("phages" for short) and some of these can only infect a single strain of bacteria. CHARACTER BACTERIA ARCHAEA EUKARYA, Cell type Prokaryotic Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Cell wall Present; contain Present; Present/absent; peptidoglycan peptidoglycan absent peptidoglycan absent Membrane lipids Diacyl glycerol, isoprenoid ,glycerol, Glycerol , fattyacyl diesters diethers or diglycerol diesters tetraethers Genetic material Small circular DNA Small circular DNA Large linear DNA not associated with associated with associated with histones histones like proteins histones Translation (first Formylmethionine Methionine Methionine amino acid) RNA polymerase One; simple One; complex Three; complex 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 29 CHARACTER BACTERIA ARCHAEA EUKARYA tRNA (TC arm) Thymine present Thymine absent Thymine preset, Intron Absent Present rarely Present Antibiotic sensitivity Yes No No Diphtheria toxin No Yes Yes sensitivity Reproduction Spore formation Spore formation Spore formation present absent present or absent Habit Variable Extremophile Variable, 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 30 1) Phylogeny of domain Archaea, Based primarily on rRNA sequence data, domain Archaea is divided into two phyla: 1. Therefore organisms were arranged into two groups- plants and animals based on easily observable (phenotypic) characteristics. If a mixture of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) formed by heating double-stranded (ds) DNA, is cooled and held at a temperature about 25C below the Tm, strands with complementary base sequences will reassociate to form stable dsDNA, whereas non- complementary strands will remain unpaired . Different primers are used for each type of repetitive element, and the results are classified as arising from BOX-PCR, ERIC-PCR, or REP-PCR . Phylum Chlamidiae Small phylum containing the genus Chlamydia 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 35 8. An embryo stage is present except in algal group. what do you use to calculate species diversity? 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 25 Among various probable contender macromolecules, that can help in determining the relationship amongst entire living world, rRNA, fits the requirement the most as this form of ribonucleic acid is (a) found uniformly distributed in all the self-replicating cells as one of the basic components of ribosomes; (b) easy to isolate; (c) structurally stable due to its very low mutation rate, therefore, making it an ideal molecule for detecting the relatedness amongst distant species. Association of Fecal Microbial Diversity and Taxonomy with Selected Although these keys often have little to do with phylogenetic relationships, theyre invaluable for identification. He was instrumental in framing the rules for naming the organisms, which he applied uniformly while giving his classification. It is the practical use of classification criteria to distinguish certain organisms from others, to verify the authenticity or utility of a strain or a particular reaction or to isolate and identify the organism that causes a disease. Starch hydrolysis test 11. They contain true nuclei and membrane bound organelles; cell wall may or may not be present. Such calculations are done all pairs of OTUs, and the resultant figures are depicted next slide in a data matrix of coefficient of association. Nutrition is absorptive heterotrophy where organism secretes digestive enzymes into the substrate and then absorbs the digested food. MacConkey agar 8. A Alpha taxonomy B Beta taxonomy C Delta taxonomy D Gamma taxonomy 2 Name the philosopher who first classified organisms? Class-order-division-family-species-tribe, c) Citrate positive blue colour Citrate negative green colour Positive Klebsiella Negative E.coli, 12/10/2019 DS/RKMV/MB 63 UREASE TEST Done in Christensens urease medium. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 116 Data matrix of coefficient of association S T W X Y Z S 1.0 T 0.8 1.0 W 0.5 0.7 1.0 X 0.7 0.5 0.8 1.0 Y 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 Z 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.0. Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity | PDF | Taxonomy (Biology - Scribd The technique is similar to that employed for DNA-DNA hybridization: membrane bound DNA is incubated with radioactive rRNA, washed, and counted. Therefore in other words, taxonomy is related to nomenclature, classification and phylogeny of organisms. cell structure type, degree of cellular organization and mode of nutrition. Growth requirements 8. Kingdom 3. GRAM STAIN, distinguishes between Gram + CELL WALL and Gram bacteria Gram positive cell wall Gram negative cell wall Consists of Consists of a thick, homogenous sheath an outer membrane of peptidoglycan 20-80 nm containing lipopolysaccharide thick (LPS) tightly bound acidic thin shell of peptidoglycan polysaccharides, including periplasmic space teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid Lose crystal violet and stain Retain crystal violet and pink from safranin stain purple counterstain, 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 55 3. Indeed, the rate at which a sequence will reassociate, is proportional to the number of copies of that sequence in the DNA sample . 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 22 Merits of Five Kingdom System A. Incubation at 10 to 15C below the Tm, permits hybrid formation only with almost identical strands. 3. MCQ on Diversity of Life - Classification System - MCQ Biology.com Each bifurcation in a tree repreasens a common ancestor of the organisms farther out in the tree. Carl WoeseAnswer: DClarification: Carl Woese proposed the reorganization of five kingdoms into three kingdoms, based on the ribosomal RNA signature sequences. It is a technique, in which single-stranded nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) are allowed to interact, so that, complexes called hybrids are formed, by molecules with similar, complementary sequences. Antibodies can discriminate between very similar proteins, and immunologic techniques are used to compare proteins from different microorganisms. The C0t value is the product of C0 (the initial concentration of DNA), t (time in seconds), and a constant that depends on the concentration of cations in the buffer. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 9 Earlier taxonomists divided the living organisms on the basis of morphological characters, as there was no any sophisticated tool available to study living world. He also attempted to establish phylogentic relationship amongst various groups of different kingdoms. The coefficient between S and T = [character states in common / total of characters ]= 8/10 = 0.8. The names of different organisms used in binomial nomenclature system must be derived from Latin or if names to be used are from different languages they must be treated as Latin. Any change in the environmental pH may either Most natural enhance or inhibit habitats the enzyme (extremes: pH 4.6- 9.4) activity. Nutrition Autotrophic through ether Heterotrophic through photosynthesis or absorption ingestion. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 2 Systematics. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 90 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 91 16S rRNA, Sequence Conservation Level nearly universal intermediate hypervariable 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 92 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 93 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) :Fluorescent dyelabeled RNA or DNA probes are used to stain microorganisms in place, or in situ. Chapter 19: Microbial Taxonomoy and the evolution of diversity - Quizlet 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 80 5. tribe-genus-class-division-family-order, d) Positive indole test pink ring Negative indole test - yellow ring Indole positive E.coli Indole negative Klebsiella, Salmonella. A. The horizontal branches are drawn in a length proportional to the calculated percent similarity. 12/10/2019 DS/BC/BTH 103 72 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 73 low pH high pH, Fungi: - often more acid tolerant than -Few alkaliphiles (pH10-11) bacteria (opt. Organisms are multicellular with higher degree of body organization where tissue differentiation usually leads to specialized organ formation. In a dichotomous key, identification is based on successive questions, and each question has two possible answers. Binomial nomenclature means writing the name of plant in two words which designate. An example for the artificial 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 118 Problems with Numerical Taxonomy a. What is sarcinae?A. Phylum Spirochaetes The spirochaetes characterized by flexible, helical cells with a modified outer membrane (the outer sheath) and modified flagella (axial filaments) located within the outer sheath Important pathogenic genera include Treponema, Borrelia, and Leptospira, 9. Cell wall Flagella Ribosomes Capsule 2. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 85 C0t analysis, a technique based on the principles of DNA reassociation kinetics, is a biochemical technique that measures how much repetitive DNA is in a DNA sample such as a genome. What is the correct descending sequence of taxonomic categories? The History and Scope of Microbiology Microbiology - Chapter 1 Introduction to Microbiology What Is Microbiology? Therefore such microorganisms could not have appropriate placement in two- kingdom classification. Paper II. Kingdom Microalgae Absorption, photosynthesis, ingestion Protista (photoplanktonic forms), Protozoa, Slime moulds absorption photosynthesis ingestion 4. In binomial nomenclature name of every organism is composed of two parts: first is called generic name representing the taxon Genus to which it belongs and second is called specific epithet- Species. Commonwealth Mycological Institute (CMI), England Centre de Collections de Types microbients, Switzerland. The proper alignment of SSU rRNA nucleotide sequences and the application of computer algorithms enable sequence comparison between any number of organisms. Which of the following is NOT the basic shape of the bacteria?A. It is a composite media used to study different properties of a bacterium sugar fermentation, gas production and H2S production. b. As probes are developed, FISH can be used to detect bacteria in drinking water or bacteria in a patient without the normal 24-hour or longer wait required to culture the bacteria. Microbial Taxonomy and Diversity Flashcards | Quizlet 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 21 KINGDOM ANIMALIA (INVEERTEBRATE AND VERTEBRATE ANIMALS):CHARACTERISTICS 1. have multiple important characteristics unlike either bacteria or eukaryotic organisms. A group of similar classes a division and a group of similar divisions a Kingdom, and thus goes12/10/2019the taxonomic hierarchy. Oxidase Test 2. The numerical methods are useful in phenetic classifications and not phylogenetic classifications. Then a different known antiserum is added to each sample. Gas bubbles or crack in the medium gas production. Engineering 2022 , FAQs Interview Questions. 3. 23S rRNAC. H2S production in SIM 2. A genus is a collection of similar species, one of them being the type species. Microbial taxonomy and classification system - [PDF Document] It is an orange red medium with a slant and a butt. 12/10/2019 DS/MICRO/RKMV 111 Construct a cladogram. Each branch point on the cladogram is defined by a feature shared by various species on that branch. D. Creation of five kingdom is based on the levels of organization and nutritional strategy which evolved very early and because established in later group that are existing even today. These newly established types are called neotypes. In microbiology, the basic unit of classification is a strain. Haeckel's 1866 Tree of Life and the Origin of Eukaryotes, 6.7 Classification, Natural Selection and Adaptations, Classifying Monerans and Protists TeacherS Guide Middle School, Kingdom: Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria) by Cindy Grigg, Investigations Into the Current Usage of Microorganisms in Medicine, Proposal for the Domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya (Euryarchaeota/Crenarchaeota/Kingdom/Evolution) CARL R. Let's Learn About Classification of Organisms and Cells! Relationships are visualized as evolutionary trees (synonyms: cladograms, phylogenetic trees, phylogenies). It is the collection of microbial strains, that share many properties, and differ significantly from other groups of strains. Monera gave rise to protists probably through association of several types of primitive and advanced monerans. Shape of DNA B. A Whittekar B Carl woese C Linnaeus D Aristotle Advertisement Strict statistical criteria can then be applied to determine how related a pair of species should be to occur in the same genus, same family, etc. DS/MICRO/RKMV 42 Biovars: Strains that differ in biochemical or physiological differences Morphovars: Strains that vary in morphology . They play the ecological role of decomposer. Further, fungi although have plant-like features such as immobility, irregular shape and indefinite growth but also posses heterotrophic mode of nutrition, a characteristic feature of animals. There is nothing inherently scientific about classification and different groups of scientists may classify the same organism differently. Kingdom Bacteria and Cyanobacteria Photosynthesis and absorption Monera, 2. Microbiome is all the microbes that live inside or on the human body at a given time. kingdom classification by five kingdom classification was proposed by the year, 6. Special cellular structures 6. The proponents of biological species concept, may not accept the specific limits bound by these methods. CorynebacteriumAnswer: DClarification: Pleomorphic bacteria lack a single characteristic shape. Glucose fermentation & gas production 5. Many intermediate or transitional forms occur in unicellular eukaryotes, which had been included both amongst plants and animals. Plant body is either thalloid (algae and some of bryophytes) or differentiated into root, stem and leaves; nonmotile; Cell wall is present and it is chemically made up of cellulose. Required fields are marked *. It is a group of all macroscopic animals derived from zygote and includes sponges, coelentrates, worms, annelids, arthopodes, mollusces, star fishes, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The first, and possibly the simplest, technique to be employed is the determination of DNA base composition. Studies of various organisms at cellular and subcellular level in 19th and 20th centuries proved that all organisms are made up of a basic unit called cell, which could be structurally simple (prokaryotic cell) or complex (eukaryotic cell). 3. 4. The higher the coefficient of association, the most closely related are the OTUs. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. \n\n \/div>\n \/div>\n\n \/div>\n \/div>\n "); } $('#quizTopicsModal .modal-body').html(''); $("#quizTopicsModal").modal('show'); \/div>\n \/div>\n\n \/div>\n \/div . 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