States can and should take steps to disaggregate by kind of disability to know and better respond to the situation of different groups of persons with disabilities, and to live up to the commitment to reach the furthest behind first. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. courts, complaints mechanism of the NHRI or equality body, etc.) PDF Human Rights Indicators Tables - Office of the United Nations High Human rights indicators are essential in the implementation of human rights standards and commitments, to support policy formulation, impact assessment and transparency. The first are the mainstream policies, where implementing the rights on persons with disabilities under the CRPD calls on ensuring that general policies or measures do not discriminate but are inclusive of persons with disabilities. Law-, policy- and other decision-makers across all levels of government can benefit from these indicators to know what kind of steps should be taken to transform the legal, policy and budgetary framework, as well as to know what specific measures need to be taken to appropriately implement that framework in compliance with the CRPD. Further analysis and information will be required through the use of other indicators and other monitoring tools to better understand implementation and their gaps (see FAQ 18). Core Instruments Universal Instrument In addition to the International Bill of Rights and the core human rights treaties, there are many other universal instruments relating to human rights. (indicator 24.11) Budget allocated to ensure the right of persons with disabilities to inclusive education in mainstream settings, as compared to budget allocated to segregated/separated education settings, whether in mainstream or special schools. The present report has been prepared by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in response to a request from the Inter-Committee Meeting (ICM) of treaty . Identifying attributes entails providing a clear and more tangible categorization of the right which facilitates the development of indicators corresponding to the different facets of the right. In the framework of the EU financed Bridging the Gap I project, OHCHR developed human rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a key tool to facilitate understanding and implementation of the Conventions provisions. Given the CRPDs unique design, this challenge is magnified. Resources For Civil society Educators Journalists Members States National institutions and regional mechanisms More Databases Library Publications English English Franais Espaol More OHCHR Donate Main Navigation OHCHR What are human rights Arabic Main Navigation OHCHR Human. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in collaboration with international experts and partner organisations, developed the first version of the attached. compilation of four human rights indicators that are also included in these tables (indicators 10.3.1/16.b.1, 16.a.1, 16.10.1 and 16.1.2). "I will pay particular attention to the main challenges to ensuring the human rights of victims, and effective prevention of trafficking . 783 injured (215 men, 136 women, 8 girls, 20 boys, as well as 18 children and 386 . PDF United Hri By nature, human rights are interdependent and interlinked- standards overlap across rights. In this vein, the indicators aim to converge understanding and align interpretations in conformity with that of the CRPD Committee and to strengthen implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities in line with the CRPD. Indicators should be adapted and tailored to the context. In this context, under Article 31 of the CRPD (Statistical and research data), the CRPD Committee has consistently recommended the use of the Washington Group Short Set of Questions on Disability, which have been designed to be integrated into national censuses and household surveys. For example, States with a historical background of racial discrimination should prioritise including disaggregation by race, while others might prioritise grounds such as religious or political affiliation, language, etc. This obligation applies across the board to all indicators, notably structural indicators (commitment) and process indicators (efforts). For instance, under Article 24 of the CRPD, the education system has to be made inclusive. Human rights indicators enhance human rights implementation and measurement by: Dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by disaggregation by indigenous background might not be relevant in countries where there are no groups self-identifying themselves as indigenous. Banner Launch of OHCHR's publication 'Human Rights Indicators - A Guide to Measurement and Implementation', NewYork, 10 May 2013. Resources For Civil society Educators Journalists Members States National institutions and regional mechanisms More Databases Library Publications English English Franais Espaol More OHCHR Donate Main Navigation OHCHR What are human rights Spanish Main Navigation OHCHR Human. On the basis of this . National institutions and regional mechanisms, About the human rights of persons with disabilities, OHCHRs work on the rights of persons with disabilities, SDG-CRPD resource package: Disability-inclusive Sustainable Development Goals, Human rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation. For example, consultations limited to a national umbrella organisation can prevent other organisations who are not affiliated to the national umbrella group from participating and sharing their input. Stand up for Human Rights. The second are the disability-specific policies, where the CRPD may require measures that target persons with disabilities. Given that the indicators are based on international human right standards as set out primarily in the CRPD and by the jurisprudence of the CRPD Committee (including General comments, views on communications and recommendations arising out of country reviews), they provide an overview of the measures and actions which will be examined by the Committee to assess progress in implementation on a given right or provision. They provide prescriptive guidance on the core elements of the right and how to ensure their implementation. How to interpret the indicator on number and proportion of complaints? OHCHR | Human Rights Indicators: A Guide for Measurement and Implementation Criteria requiring physical and informational accessibility. Data collection and disaggregation by disability is key to identifying patterns of exclusion and discrimination of persons with disabilities, compared to other persons, and among different groups of persons with disabilities. Nor can they be achieved if they do not promote and protect their human rights. In order to ensure effective strategies, policies or plans accessible to, and inclusive of persons with disabilities, they should be adopted in close consultation and with the active involvement of persons with disabilities (see FAQ 16 below), including through their representative organisations, and contain, as a minimum, the following elements: Some indicators refer to mainstream policies (also general or regular, interchangeably) and disability-specific policies (or targeting persons with disabilities), reflecting the twin-track approach to disability which entails ensuring inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities into broader or mainstream programmes or policies, and adopting specific policies and programmes which focus on persons with disabilities. While these implementing measures greatly impact upon upholding human rights, they are not human rights themselves. Learn more about the human rights mechanisms - Click Here OHCHR | Human Rights Instruments Indicators should not be used in fragments or in isolation, and have more meaning when looked at holistically. The selection of grounds relevant for disaggregation should be determined in the process of contextualisation of the indicators at the national and local levels depending on their socio-cultural and historical background. OHCHR Human Rights Instruments Explore the documents that provide the foundational legal framework for international human rights. The UN Human Rights Office and the mechanisms we support work on a wide range of human rights topics. In this way, the link is made between the normative framework and the indicators. Rates of personswith disabilities relating to children with disabilities out of school, rate of enrolment, attendance, promotion by grade, completion, and drop out in mainstream primary, secondary, tertiary educational institutions, vocational training, lifelong learning courses, as compared to others, disaggregated by sex, age, disability, minority or indigenous background, grade and level of education. The OHCHR conceptual and methodological framework adopts a common approach to identifying indicators for monitoring civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. Ukraine: civilian casualty update 7 November 2022 | OHCHR Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. 9. 23 June 2014. Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). decisions on admissibility or legal standing, etc. For example, where an indicator refers to the proportion of received complaints [concerning a right or topic] that have been investigated and adjudicated related to a right, these numbers and the proportion (whether low or high) cannot alone indicate progress or gaps in the implementation of that right. do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. The Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation attempts to meet some of this The CRPD human rights indicators were developed based on OHCHRs methodology on human rights indicators (for more information on the methodology, please consult the Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation). Bangladesh: UN human rights expert to assess trafficking in persons | OHCHR This data instrument has been widely tested by countries and is supported by the CRPD Committee, UN agencies and other organisations as a tool ready for use today, to secure a baseline for comparison to measure the impact of the SDGs on persons with disabilities. Overall, efforts have been made to strike a balance between incorporating cross-cutting rights and implementing measures into each indicator table while still keeping the focus on the core aspects of each article. Several years of research and consultation went into the development of this tool. PDF HUMAN RIGHTS INDICATORS - Office of the United Nations High For example, Goal 5 on gender equality is achieved for women and girls with disabilities in accordance with Article 6 of the CRPD and other related articles. Bangladesh: UN expert to assess older persons' human rights during For more information,please consult the data sources guidance. Guidelines for policymakers on SDGs informed by the CRPD. The data sources guidancewill help to highlight examples of existing data sources where information can be found to populate the outcome indicators. Outcome indicators capture results that reflect the level of enjoyment of human rights in a given context. OHCHR | Human Rights Indicators - Previous Highlights The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is the leading United Nations entity in the field of human rights, with a unique mandate to promote and protect all human rights for all people. strengthening follow up on recommendations. Do Indicators apply to all levels and branches of governments? Yes. to monitor the States progress in implementation. The letter follows reports of the sacking of Twitter's entire human rights team and all but two of the ethical AI team . and other territories. As such, the data collected through this indicator could complement case studies documented by complainants or by organisations of persons with disabilities gathering information directly from complainants, courts, NHRIs or other stakeholders. It espouses six key principles: participation, self-identification, data disaggregation, privacy, transparency, and accountability that national statistical systems need to operationalize. In these cases, the indicators are focused on the specific implementing measure and its core elements, as set out in the attributes. The most typical grounds for disaggregation that should be considered are: sex, age, race, language, national, ethnic, indigenous or social origin, sexual orientation and gender identity, intersex variation, religious and political affiliation, migrant status, impairment groups, birth and health status, among others. What is the OHCHR methodology for developing human rights indicators? in a given period, the indicator is limited to capturing the following data in order to give account of the proportions indicated: Thus, reporting against the indicator would lead to the following: Together with other factors such as the quality of complaints, each proportion might contribute to assess over time different aspects of the complaints mechanism. This interrelation and overlap serves to strengthen implementation by recalling to States their obligations across several CRPD provisions. Together with the data sources guidance, the indicators serve as tools to guide States in their reporting obligations, to identify the information and data necessary to demonstrate compliance with the CRPDs obligations. 11. The normative content of the indicators are based on the CRPD and the CRPD Committees jurisprudence as well as other human rights standards. As States take on this commitment and expand their disaggregation, data and statistics on persons with disabilities will increasingly be made available. The structural indicators commonly refer to the adoption of a strategy, policy or plan inclusive of persons with disabilities; what are the main elements to consider in assessing whether this indicator is met? OHCHR has developed the Human Rights-Based Approach to Data (HRBAD), demonstrating how data can be produced following international human rights and statistical standards while putting people at the center. by referring to ongoing public policies and programmes, targeted population groups, etc). For instance, an increase in the number of complaints related to a right does not necessarily mean that the general situation has become worse thereby resulting in an increase of violations. Human rights indicators are essential in the implementation of human rights standards and commitments, to support policy formulation, impact assessment and transparency. The methodology recognises the interdependence and indivisibility of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights and reflects cross-cutting human rights norms, such as non-discrimination and equality, participation and accountability. For example, within a federal state, education may be regulated by both federal and state law. The indicators also serve as a tool for any organisation or body to assess a States implementation under a given right. Attributes of a human right The attributes are the core elements of a right. At GuidingPrinciplesBusinessHR_EN.pdf ( We would also like to extend our gratitude toBridging the Gap IIfor the translation of the indicators into French. The Office's framework of human rights indicators forms part of the UN framework for socioeconomic response to the Covid-19 crisis and is being used in several countries. For federal States, Article 4(5) of the CRPD provides that the provisions of the present Convention shall extend to all parts of federal states without any limitations or exceptions. The federal structure of a State is therefore responsible for non-compliance at any level, and each federal unit (e.g. Where they have been incorporated, this is indicated in parentheses following the indicator. OHCHR | Human Rights Indicators - Previous Highlights . This Guidance complements the joint OHCHR-Equitas Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: A Handbook for Human Rights Educators. The publication aims to assist in developing quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure progress in the implementation of international human rights norms and principles. OHCHR | Human rights indicators Indicators have frequently been promoted for use in monitoring mechanisms such as in country reviews conducted by the UN treaty bodies, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council, etc., and have figured in recommendations by these bodies to States parties. While the indicators are proposed as guidance material for all countries, when incorporating them in their practice, States and other public authorities should undertake a process of contextualisation of the indicators to facilitate and specify their use at the local level (e.g. Ratification of 18 International Human Rights Treaties. The indicators are available in English, French and Spanish* in accessible table format and accessible text format. In 2021, OHC HR met or exceeded the requirements for 12 performance indicators out of 16 applicable. HUMAN RIGHTS (OHCHR) UN-SWAP 2.0 PERFORMANCE 2021 The following two pages capture OHCHR's performance on UN-SWAP 2.0 indicators for 2021. Rajeev Malhotra for initiating and conceptualizing the work on indicators for human rights at OHCHR and for his leading role in the development of the Guide with Nicolas Fasel and Grace Sanico Steffan. The UHRI facilitates access to human rights recommendations issued by three key pillars of the United Nations human rights monitoring system: the Treaty Bodies established under the international human rights treaties as well as the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council. What are their limits and how is it possible to overcome these limits? Thus, mainstream (general or regular schools) schools and their operations needs to respond to the needs of all students including students with disabilities among others. OHCHR | Human Rights Indicators PDF Frequently Asked Questions on the human rights indicators on the OHCHR wishes to thank Martin Scheinin for his substantive leadership and the following Can the indicators be used for monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals? What do indicators help to assess? 7. Join us and make a difference. E.g. Yes, SDG indicators have been incorporated into the human rights indicator tables, where relevant. - Supports, as appropriate, the work of treaty-established bodies, extra-conventional mechanisms, special procedures and other OHCHR initiatives including the proposed World Human Rights Report, with regard to the development of appropriate indicators to inform the implementation of human rights. GENEVA (5 November 2022) - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Trk on Saturday issued an open letter to Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer at Twitter, urging him to "ensure human rights are central to the management of Twitter" under Musk's leadership. PDF Office of The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Ohchr (HRI/MC/2006/7) defines human rights indicators as specific information on the state of an event, activity or an outcome that can be related to human rights norms and . In the framework of the EU financed Bridging the Gap I project, OHCHR developed human rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as a key tool to facilitate understanding and implementation of the Convention's provisions. Learn about how you can report a human rights violation. Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights. Bridging the Gap I was designed to support the implementation and the monitoring of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and to contribute to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals inclusive of persons with disabilities. Human Rights Council Adopts 14 Resolutions, Extends Mandates on How can the indicators be used in reporting processes to human rights treaty bodies and other processes to review CRPD compliance? DOC Note on The Work on The Use of Indicators to Promote and Monitor the This also reflects the general commitment under SDG 17.18 to significantly increase the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by several characteristics including disability. This approach focuses on several key principles to guide data collection and disaggregation, namely: participation, data disaggregation, self-identification, transparency, privacy and accountability. As such, the CRPD incorporates provisions into its text which do not commonly figure in human rights instruments (there are exceptions, for example, Articles 23(4) and 28(3) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on international cooperation; the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture on national preventive mechanisms), such as Article 8 on awareness-raising, Article 31 on data collection and disaggregation, Article 32 on international cooperation and Article 33 on national implementation and monitoring. 14. 7 (2018). Human rights indicators enhance human rights implementation and measurement by: Human rights indicators on the CRPD are key to facilitating understanding and implementation of the Conventions provisions.   *The European Union has Human Rights Indicators: A Guide for Measurement and Implementation - OHCHR The UHRI facilitates access to human rights recommendations issued by three key pillars of the United Nations human rights monitoring system: the Treaty Bodies established under the international human rights treaties as well as the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council. At the same time, this poses as a challenge when it comes to ensuring succinctness of the human rights indicators and adherence to OHCHRs methodology which prescribes attributes to be mutually exclusive. Get the latest from our news, events and meetings. OHCHR | Evaluating the Impact of Human Rights Training: Guidance on LinkedIn Live Event, Regional Training to Measure SDG16 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions English | Espaol, World Statistics Day 2020 blog on human rights approach as key to restoring public confidence in official data, Human Rights Standards for Data Disaggregation in the Sustainable Development Goals Indicators, Older persons and human rights in the post-2015 development agenda, Note on Statistics and Human Rights in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, A human rights approach to data disaggregation to leave no one behind. Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Most signicant gains For example, an SDG indicator may call for data disaggregation by sex and age and not by disability. Summary In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Anas Marin, focuses on issues pertaining to human rights of women in the Republic of Belarus, highlighting the systemic challenges and institutional deficiencies associated with the situation of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of women and girls.
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