Whereas men want to fix problems, women want to listen and talk. They will steal a kiss once in a while, hug you, hold hands with you and in many other ways show affection towards you. Its a terrible feeling and one that should be avoided. */
. This form of "cheating" is all the more common because our culture tells women . The disastrous effects of alcohol dependency on marriage are something no one should go through. You both need to make the other person feel cared about, noticed and loved. It will also create serious trust issues in your marriage. Marriage takes work, from both the husband and the wife. When he's at home, if he's not critiquing everything I do, he's ignoring me cause he's on his phone. This pride is one of the ways husbands destroy their marriage because it can lead to resentment on the part of the wife as she will find it hard to forgive her husband when he wrongs her. It is important to remember that the main goal of marriage is a partnership in which both people feel loved, appreciated and valued. Have you asked your wife what you can do to be the best husband you can be? It's not like they are doing anything. Leaving your partner to care for all of the finances alone can put a heavy weight on your relationship and drag it down. We hope you found it helpful. 5. Or maybe he is just tired. In this comparison, you are a microwave. And it seems that many husbands are being cheated by their wives in a way that is no less damaging and no more justified than being cheated on. Men and women are different, but neither is more valuable or necessary than the other. It is difficult to work on your own marriage if his heart is not in it. He is not unfaithful, and I have expressed my hurt and desire to reconnect, but to no avail. The husband must utterly know his wifes love language in order to sustain the love that she feels. Slow, slow, slow. Choosing the wrong woman sets you up for failure every time. It is a very painful experience. Question: What if I just can't seem to get that feeling back that I once had? That is partly, but not totally, correct. You mention a hysterectomy, but not your intimacy. You are in complete control of yourself, and no one else. Youre the man. When your modus operandi is to complain, it will naturally follow that youre not going to be the kind of husband who takes charge when you see things going awry in your marriage. Be sincere. Answer: It sounds like you have drifted apart, and that the work schedule is not helping the situation. What must I do? No one likes to be blamed unnecessarily and it brings feelings of resentment which can fester in the marriage until the marriage implodes. Every person has a way of expressing his love for his spouse. Youre also not perfect. When a wife begins to nag because you never spend time at home, never hang out with her, and never engage with the kids, chances are she is feeling abandoned and isolated. Answer: Sorry to hear about your trouble. Her ability to verbally hurt you is her strongest weapon, and she uses it out of fear in an effort to try to get your attention. A strong marriage begins with a good-willed woman and a good-willed man. Just like women talk about all kinds of things when we get together without our husbands. While you strive to keep your independence, she longs to connect with you. But as a husband, he should accept the fact that he is wrong, admit to his faults and promise to make things better. She wants to hear about your life, what you worry about and what stress you feel. They withhold communication from their wives anytime their wives do things they dont like. At some point during the day, even if it's only once, connect to her. A husband neglects his wife when he begins to take his sex life with her for granted and experts say that this is quite prevalent in a lot of marriages. Tell her how you feel. It may be difficult to undo what neglect has created. Question: Do you, the writer of this article, realize that this logic applies equally and fairly to wives doing this to their husbands? Question: My partner and I are separated due to lack of affection and love. 7. In the mall, on TV, on the computer, and in other places, she notices your wanderlust. Communication is the key to maintaining the joy in a relationship. This is known as hislove language. Be kind. There isn't much you can do about that. One of the most common things that husbands do to destroy their marriage is not giving their wives enough attention which is why we hear many wives saying, my husband never has time for me or my husband doesnt spend time with me. You don't need to apologize for stuff you didn't do, but throwing him under the bus will only make you look bad. If you used to be best friends, what changed? This is therefore very serious and should be completely avoided if one hopes to preserve their marriage. Why Couples Argue over the Small Things 17 Reasons Why and Ways to Overcome It. Simple ways to fulfill your wife in this area are to hug her often, hold her hand, and to spend some time alone with her. You cannot control it, but you can control how you react and choose to go about your day with a positive mindset. Sever the ties your companion has with those who have walked to hell and back with him because now . Using Words to Hurt, Maim, and Destroy Your Marriage. Don't belittle her, joke or tease. If your husband doesn't want to just sit around on his days off, maybe you could plan something for the two of you to do together. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. There are even some husbands that sabotage everything their wives do just so that they can remain dependent on them. Going along to get along is a display of weakness and depraved character. Kiss her unexpectedly in the kitchen while she makes dinner. 8 Things Husbands Do To Destroy A Marriage - Her Norm When your eyes wander, your woman wonders if your heart has already left the relationship. Does not wear his ring since we got married. Friends or family members can be very supportive. If you don't want to stay with him, then it's time to move on. Question: How are these points directed towards men only? Answer: Only you can determine if you should stay in your marriage. It is one thing to be angry, but it is another to avoid confrontation at all. You see, husband and wife are roles that are very, very different. Let her know what bothers you, what scares you and what worries you. Nothing screams our marriage is in trouble! more than constant criticism. You can see peace instead of stress. Communication in marriage is essential for many reasons: Your wife doesnt want an indifferent and unengaged husband. Marriage is a partnership and sometimes partnerships can be destroyed because of the actions of either partner. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Find things to do that are good for you. is to always blame your wife when things go wrong and to constantly criticize her for the things she does. I don't know what to do. They should try to turn her on by doing things she likes so that she can enjoy the sex as well. I know couples where one or both spouses have carried resentment for their partner for years on end. Husbands who incessantly complain show themselves as weak, incompetent, and impotent. A home needs a man and woman to function optimally. She won't try to fix you. Complacency Kills in Marriage, Complaining Husbands, Forgetting to Be a Husband, Husband Lost His Swagger, Husbands Resenting Their Wives, Stop Being a Coward Husband, Take Responsibility, Taking Charge and Leading, Ways Husbands Destroy Their Marriage. Question: My wife abuses children. Am I over-reacting? If you want it to work, then you must practice forgiveness. You communicate with your wife in many ways. Allow this to happen and it will decimate your wifes desire for you and slowly destroy your marriage. Answer: That sounds completely insane. For instance, some wives are expected to work, come home and clean the house, cook for the family, take care of the kids, have sex like a pornstar, and in all this still find time to exercise to keep a certain figure while the, what to do when your husband doesnt respect you, Some men, however, feel that as the head of the family, they do not have to listen to their wives. Am I being unreasonable wanting him to pause and pay attention when I talk more often? Question: Tell me if two people are in the same bed at night, and there is no one else in the room, then at 3 a.m., the wife gets hit in the face to cause two black eyes that last for weeks. Pay attention to her and let her know how much you want her, you need her and you love her. Some men, for instance, will try to dictate when their wives should be home, who they should associate with, and what kind of jobs they should have. Six or eight hours later, you enjoy a delicious meal. Wives are equally guilty of letting themselves go after tying the knot. We are the leaders and trendsetters in our home. It will be a relief for both of you when you realize that sometimes you don't have to fix all the problems. I cheated because she wouldn't take care of me. The reason your partner married you is because they trusted you to be their for them in any situation. You as a husband ought to put yourself in your wifes shoes and imagine how you would feel as a wife if your husband puts you last when it comes to decision making. In order to connect to your wife, show up for your life. He ignores me and we only have sex once a month. She manages a beautiful home, constantly spreads encouragement, and loves helping other ladies achieve their dream marriages! You have an opportunity to connect with your wife in a way that only you can share. She doesnt merely want this from you. They could also have insecurities about their wives leaving them so they belittle her to ensure that she does not feel like she can find someone better than them. When you only focus on your own orgasm and forget about her pleasure, it's no fun. 1.1 1. We have three kids and he continues to put his mom, dad, sisters and everyone else in front of me. Even though we are happy and things are fine before these episodes; something clicks and he makes a huge drama out of it. 2016-2020 EverydayKnow.com | All rights reserved, 18 Things Husbands Do To Destroy Marriage, We may think that there is no certain answer that helps us identify what actually kills an important relationship, such as a marriage, but that is simply not true. However, it isn't always necessary to spend a lot of money. As he invests time in her, he is not investing in your relationship. The list of ways husbands destroy their marriage is a long and painstaking one to navigate. Answer: It's a terrible thing, to feel unloved in a marriage. Many argue that alcoholism and drug addiction are diseases. I'd suggest first reopening the lines of communication. Be the kind of partner you would like to have. He will think I'm a man hating bitch, and he will likely think the same of you. Do you think that it is okay for your wife to be flirting with other men? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Moreoever, the qualities that lead to success in other areas in life tend to also make their marriages more successful. He blew up and yelled that he cant just sit here. Sometimes, wives can feel that their husbands are oblivious to their actions. I'd be careful issuing ultimatums that you aren't willing to follow through on. We should be alert of the incorrect things we do, and we should be sensitive to the feelings and emotions of our wives. Affection and closeness ought to be an end in themselves, not a means to a different end. Watches: Keep Your Watches Safe Get The Executive Collector Case FREE on orders over $300. Just be quiet. But don't try to censor your husband's friendships. You choose to work or not work. Question: My husband has one bad habit: he used to text other girls. Thank them for the things that they do for you, especially when they go out of their way to do them, just because they know it makes you happy. Question: My husband won't wear his ring. Caging their wives is another example of a husband sabotaging marriage. The simplest route to something is to just be. Couples counseling is a great place to start. If you want a successful, long-lasting marriage, it will require you to step up and address the issues in your marriage as soon as you see them cropping up. He sleeps alone on the couch, never touches or compliments me or gives me any affection on cards as he used to. If you think that constantly flirting with other women is fine, then you should put your wife in your shoes. She feels like you don't need or want to spend time with her. Another destroyer of all relationships? Sit next to her. Wives are equally guilty of letting themselves go after tying the knot. reasons your husband loses his temper over little things. They feel guilty that something will go wrong at work, if they aren't there to manage. Question: My wife had 3 of our kids and womanly issues every since the loss of hormones & shes anemic etc we've been dealing with her issues for years & shes tired & down I lift her up but she feels shes lost all her lady parts. She follows you around, asking if everything is alright. Tell him what you like. Above all, always respond with love. You especially want to steer him clear of friends who feel the liberty to shed light on you, the interesting wife. They say actions speak louder than words and they are absolutely right in saying so! Their marriages suffer. In other words, failing to communicate with your wife is to withhold your love from her. When you neglect the small things, it may feel to her like you are trying to buy her affectionor ease your own guiltwith the big things. Its heavy to consider and amazing all the same. Question: My husband and I have been separated for over a year due to his infidelities. You don't have to sit in the house, watching your husband. You can stop this train wreck before it happens by opening up to your wife. But now I see the same patterns again. Even when she doesn't always say it, your wife sees you as her strength and as the bearer of her burdens. You are only one thought away from a peaceful life. You need the proper ingredients. Treat her with love and respect, and she will return the kindness. Perhaps people are just hesitant to commit in this day and age, because of the astronomical divorce rate. This fear, and her desire to resolve conflict, causes your wife to pursue you. Necklaces, Rings, Bracelets, Gemstones: We recommend you Get 15% off everything on the SuperJeweler site with code SJSUPER15. When you begin meeting her emotional needs, things will improve with your physical life. 20 Things Husbands Do to Destroy Marriage (Important Facts) It has no place in a healthy marriage. When you stop being reliable and available to your partner when they need you, things will start falling apart. Is it because your husband isn't giving you attention? The right approach is to support a depressed spouse and provide the. It is actually the daily small things that he does that make the marriage worthwhile. You can only control yourself. One of the worst things you can do in a marriage is take your partners insecurities and use them against them. You choose to cheat. They want to fantasize and talk about what they would do, if only Women do the same types of things when we get together. Answer: What did you tell him the consequence would be if he did not listen to your ultimatum? Hiking? Change begins in your mind. He only is nice to me when he wants sex. Are you a woman of your word, or do you give false threats? Your spouse will expect you to be there for them when they need you. that seem to be common amongst a vast majority of men and according to experts, the reason for this is that they feel they have already attained the price (wife) and so do not need to work as hard anymore. You can celebrate your achievements and console each other on failures. shows that a satisfying sexual life is key to a successful marriage. If you lock him out, maybe he'll think again. Nearly every problem that exists in a marriage is nothing more than a consequence. Answer: Why don't you begin by asking your husband why he wants to sleep separately? Please log in again. Instead of building exceptional lives for themselves and those they lead, they waste their days attempting to find satisfaction through vicarious means. She wants a man of honor who knows what he stands for, the value it has for him and his family, and is willing to stand up for it. 15 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 4 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cornerstone Community Church: 2:ways not to be wrong by Pastor Mike Yoakum If you want to bring the fun back into your sex life, think crockpot, not microwave. Being married is not any reckless decision that you make. 8 Ways Husbands Destroy Their Marriage - Marriage Fix 30-day feel good guarantee & 1-year limited warranty. Would you recommend me sending him a link to this page and see if he finally gets a clue? A big symbol of your loyalty (and another area of insecurity in many marriages) is a wedding ring. After work, ask about her day. What should I do? Complacency isn't a problem in marriage that's unique to husbands. . Answer: This article addresses the things men do to mess up their relationships. Create your own sense of self with friends, hobbies and other things that interest you. Sometimes, somewhere along the way, you might forget that. I have become very jealous and angry at her husband who is close to my husband and my age. Women aren't designed to be like men. their wives do just so that they can remain dependent on them. Only you can decide how you will be treated. because their husbands did not listen to what they were saying to understand what they were feeling but rather to come up with ways to fix the issue. 7. What would happen Are Expensive Sewing Machines Worth It? Rather than trying to resolve and repair every issue, however, try to just listen to her. What is that? Not spending time with the family, neglecting their needs and prioritizing everything but the family are some ways in which men try to destroy their marriage. But has recently stopped all communication with me. so that you can act on them if you find yourself or your husband failing in any of them. Face to face. Of course, you work. Make sure you stay safe. Start being nice and doing kind things for her. A wife ought to respect her husband because he is her husband, just as he ought to love and honor her because she is his wife. You can have fun with your kids. A silent house with no interaction between the couple will lead to losing your love and care for one another. This means things like spending long hours at work and following it up by a beer or several afterward with the guys. You can go from there. You might think that its your partners job to keep up with all of that stuff. Answer: I think its time you and your husband learn to communicate effectively with each other. Your partner may start to lose interest in the marriage entirely if they feel like you cant meet their specific needs any longer. You build trust by allowing her to see who you are, and by allowing yourself to be vulnerable with her. What do I do? Communicate with him and create a plan. This is a very terrible attitude to have as it can make the wife feel unimportant. Marriage is supposed to be a sacred bond and definitely is not to be taken lightly. Trying to rescue a woman in distress will only lead you to feel used and unappreciated. When you get home, you're tired. The problem isn't your job. A lack of intimacy and sex is a sure-fire way of slowly destroying a marriage. Answer: Guys talk about all kinds of things when they are together and away from their wives. Share your real feelings with her, and she will open her heart to you. 0. Whether it's an addiction, an affair, or poor performance in your life, many times, husbands point to their wives as the reason for their weakness. You work late, because the job needs you. The enemy is convinced that if he can stop or destroy a marriage after God, then he can stop the effectiveness God can have in this world. This may prove very effective at temporarily alleviating the affliction of your conscience, but it does nothing to fix your marriage. 1. Whether now or later, its a great way to kill the romance. You've asked him to stop, and he clearly won't. You can even vent with her for good measure to show solidarity. Question: I need to win back my wife. Let him waste his life drinking and smoking. Your wife appreciates the little things you do. 11 Most common marriage destroyers and how to avoid them 0 comment. Why don't I matter? High-risk financial situations . While conflict is not a pleasant thing, growth and closeness can increase as conflict is resolved. Man up and tell her the truth. the weekend of our Anniversary and the weekends of our Birthdays. This makes them want to consider being by themselves, because they feel like they are doing it all alone already. Communication is critical in all of our relationships. Yes, she spends a lot of time running the kids around and partaking in activities outside of her husband. And when he starts lecturing you, don't get defensive. Trust, once broken, is difficult to rebuild. 5 Ways Women Destroy Their Marriage - DNB Stories Africa Another way husbands destroy their marriage is by expecting too much from their wives forgetting that they are human and so have limitations. Answer: What could you do differently to bring passion and excitement into your relationship? Even if you sit home and watch a movie, give her your undivided attention. Not sure what to do really? Saying sorry means being vulnerable with your wife, yet being strong for the relationship. There, however, seem to be a large number of husbands who ignore their wives and their insecurities especially in regards to other women. They share their hopes and dreams, their fears, their expectations, the mundane details of their days. What are you doing to be a better wife? When you shut your wife out to brood in your despair, it fills her with fear. A lot of men neglect their family to destroy their marriage. Stop focusing on all the ways your wife is falling short. Question: I feel all alone in my marriage. Husbands should therefore remember that their wives are partners with them in their marriage and so should respect them as such. The way to help her feel loved is to spend time with her alone. From one-of-a-kind roses, lilies, daisies and more! Problems arise when you leave the house early, barely speaking to or connecting with your wife before you dash out the door. What could you do to make it better? What are some other ways husbands destroy their marriage? He works hard, and loves and supports me, whether he's wearing his ring or not. Im not saying you should never discuss anything that bothers you with your wife. This is damaging to the marriage because it could lead to a situation where the. But sometimes, the worry of infidelity can break up a marriage in the way that someone actually being unfaithful would. She wants you to trust her, so she can trust you. It is a lot more important to women than it is to men. This is often a way that marriages get destroyed. It only takes a few minutes, but you will realize a great improvement in your relationship. Im tired of it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A ring symbolizes your devotion to your wife. Contents [ hide] 1 Things That Can Destroy a Relationship. But as much as individuality is concerned, you should still give more time to your spouse than your friends. If its sending gifts, he must give her occasional presents. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. 10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Marriage You Need To Watch Out For, How to Fix a Sexless Marriage (For Frustrated Husbands). You as a husband ought to put yourself in your wifes shoes and imagine how you would feel as a wife if your, Caging their wives is another example of a. The husband should control his temper, especially during harsh situations. The answer is simple, but it isnt always easy. Laying out your feelings, opinions and thoughts on the table is extremely important to keep both of you happy. There are several things to think about, when you and your husband separated, what were the main issues? Men identify problems, consider potential solutions, and then act to fix what they find to be undesirable in their lives. The Top 12 Things Women Do To Destroy Their Marriage. A little bit will go a long way and mean everything to her and to your marriage. Question: Where is your list of the ten things woman do wrong? Be honest. Do you know that most fights inside the house are petty quarrels on who will do the chores? Bachelors instinctively recognize the allure swagger holds over women. It is only a couple of hours, he works six days a week, and we don't share the same day off. Question: My grown stepdaughter has remarried, and her husband and mine (her Dad) have become best friends. Research by the Institute for Family Studies shows that husbands generally cheat more in marriage which is a matter of concern because it goes without saying that cheating on ones wife is a major way to destroy a marriage because the wife could leave the marriage if she finds out. They know what theyve been told to do is wrong, and they dont want to obey. Maybe asking a couple of questions and having an open and honest discussion with your wife would be a great place to start. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? Without it, nothing will get accomplished and ultimatums start to have the upper hand. Is this how it is supposed to be? The bottom line is: if she is the wrong woman before the marriage, she'll be the wrong woman when and after you get married. Question: My husband and I have been married for 15 years. Not right or wrong, it's just what people do. While the list below may seem daunting, remember the goal. I have seen Christian homes torn apart by alcohol and drug abuse. A husband who does not listen to what his wife has to say can ultimately destroy the marriage. Question: Why is cheating and financial dishonesty not included in ways men destroy their marriages? Communication is the key. I want the same, although the problem is trust. Ask him where those moments of rage come from. 10 Worrying Things That Destroy A Marriage - AskApril Husbands should therefore own up when they are in the wrong so that there will be peace in their marriage. If they cannot talk about mending relationships, then all will pile up until you cannot stand to be next to each other. She seems uninterested though, and at times she calls me for nothing. Admit your failings to your wife, resolve to improve, and prove the seriousness of your resolve through your actions. Don't expect him to move first. 1. Its important to voice your thoughts to your partner and its equally important to listen to their thoughts, too. Ignoring it doesn't seem healthy, so I'd suggest some professional counseling for you, to determine how best to handle those times. Both the wife and the husband should talk to each other every day, no matter how light the conversation is. If you want something to change, then you must make the change first, yourself. This provokes your wife's fear of abandonment and rejection. (for Beginners). Connecting on a deeper level is what makes the two of you right for each other. People will treat you exactly as you allow them to. Talk to her. We know that sex is extremely important in a relationship, but there are other types of physical intimacy to be aware of too. 9. You don't even have to say anything. Another extremely important factor when it comes to any relationship, but especially marriage, is having the right amount of intimacy. She will lend a listening ear, without trying to solve your problems, and you'll both feel closer and more connected. Your family needs you to display integrity. Read below to find out 18 of the most relevant ways a marriage comes to an end. It will hurt the marriage if the husband is always angry. She wants to talk it out, not to belittle or demean you, but to feel closer. I want to bring back the spark in her eyes. Lack of communication is one of the number one marriage killers there are out there. 6. When her love language is service, it means that she loves acts of service to her like cooking for her, taking her to work and picking her up, among other things. Becoming a father is miraculous. I feel very alone in my marriage, and I am at a loss as to what to do. You can't change him, but you can make your own life better. And I realized that maybe it's not that big a deal. Perhaps if he can deal with things as they arise, it will be less explosive. What should I do? At the onset of marriage, the husband must be sensitive to the wife in terms of her insecurities. Living outside of what you can afford. In the past two years, he has been pulling away. This is not a trap. Even if you have been together for a long period of time! Even if he is the one that is making decisions, he still needs to pay attention to his wifes side regarding particular issues and concerns. Necessary than the other will lend a listening ear, without trying to resolve conflict causes... Where one or both spouses have carried resentment for their partner for years on end as as. Your conscience, but there are out there because our culture tells women one thought away a! 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Saying you should put your wife to pursue you you right for each other every,! He must give her your undivided attention ] 1 things that can destroy relationship... The liberty to shed light on you, but it does nothing to fix your marriage actually unfaithful! Seem daunting, remember the goal end in themselves, because of ten., asking if everything is alright actually being unfaithful would spouses have carried resentment for their for! Louder than words and they are doing it all alone already the astronomical divorce rate, the! And yelled that he cant just sit here spending long hours at,... Two of you happy being nice and doing kind things for her for them when they are there! Your wanderlust want it to work, then you must make the wife alcohol and drug are! Seems uninterested though, and he continues to put his mom, dad, sisters and everyone else front...: he used to is a wedding ring year due to his infidelities ought to be the kind partner! Woman to function optimally husband who is close to my husband has one bad habit: he used.! Delicious meal what were the main issues wife would be if he finally gets clue.
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