We continue to implement mitigation measures to control fugitive emissions, which include the construction of enclosures for the storage of materials and fuels and the paving of roads, internal roads and continuous irrigation. Currently, the company's goal is to reduce 29% of its CO2 emissions for each ton of cementitious product it produces by 2030. Benchmarking exercises of the best practices in the industry and other benchmarks in the sector. We have evaluation, monitoring and scaling mechanisms adopted in the methodology of our Comprehensive Risk Management System (SGIR, in Spanish), which defines different scales of impact (economic, reputational, information and Occupational Health and Safety), as well as scales of probability of occurrence, that make up their overall risk profile; seeking an efficient transfer through the Corporate Insurance Program, to reach all levels and geographies in which we operate. Ingresos por productos con caractersticas de sostenibilidad. We apply the Sustainability Index to suppliers with potential sustainability risks, to identify challenges, opportunities, and to develop joint action plans in environmental, economic, social and Human-Rights matters. We identify, analyze, assess and manage the risks that may impact the fulfillment of our strategy, projects, processes and operations. Therefore, we focus our efforts in the development of, sustainable housing and infrastructure projects that contribute to closing. Innovation. For this reason, in 2021 our United States regional office set out to expand the market for this portfolio product, seeking - by 2022 - to increase the production, promotion and sale of Argos PLC Cement. We create sustainable value through conscious, responsible production and the continuous improvement of our processes. Aware of the challenges we face as a society and of the importance of being part of the transformation of the industry, at Argos we are committed to the continuous improvement and innovation of our business model and our production processes, in order to continue being strategic allies of our clients in the construction of housing and sustainable infrastructure. We must be stewards of the environment. The program has the following scope: Likewise, it systematically groups together the activities carried out to promote integrity in the Company's actions, its employees, and members of the value chain, which allow the updating and permanent strengthening of the program. Centro Santillana - Torre Sur The program for the development of skills, roles and responsibilities for community management. All Argos technical team members are highly knowledgeable, qualified, skilled and outgoing with strong diversified areas of expertise. Together with Bancolombia, we signed a three-year, 135 billion pesos financing agreement in which the interest rate is linked to the performance of three indicators, including specific water consumption in the cement business. We participated in this project as cement suppliers, delivering close to 160,000 tons. To achieve our objectives, we focus our efforts on four lines: We are committed to respecting, protecting and promoting human rights; for this reason, we have a policy approved by our Senior Management that guides the Company's management to monitor the potential risks resulting from our operations. A program of incentives and corporate recognition of good internal practices. US: Argos USA has announced the upcoming transition of its Roberta, Alabama, cement plant to Portland limestone cement (PLC) Type IL production. For the company: To guarantee business sustainability, optimize working capital and capital investments, reduce costs and the level of indebtedness, and mitigate risks regarding the availability of resources necessary for our operation and the emergence of new business realities, environmental requirements and new regulations. Cementos Argos, the most sustainable cement company in the world according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. With the incorporation of waste and by-products from other industries as raw materials or alternative fuels to reduce the environmental impacts generated by the use of non-renewable natural resources. For this, we focus on operational efficiency, optimization of production, and logistics and transport processes, as well as the implementation of circular economy models. Estamos comprometidos con la reduccin de las emisiones a travs de acciones que logren la eficiencia de nuestros procesos, contribuyendo a una buena calidad del aire en los lugares donde operamos. This framework* incorporates mandatory principles of ethics and conduct: For the proper implementation and application of these guidelines, the, strengthening of the ethical culture, the prevention and control of incorrect. Grupo Argos secures US$108m sustainability and gender equality-linked loan from Bancolombia. With the biosafety protocols very well established and operating strictly since the previous year, the management of COVID-19 during 2021 focused on people, defining vaccination as the main control strategy. Additionally, we attract, retain and develop our talent through programs aimed at strengthening the employees experience and promoting leadership styles allied with sustainable growth. We Increased the Market for ARGOS PORTLAND LIMESTONE CEMENT (PLC) TYPE IL. During this last edition we also added to the initiative the SASB indicators report. Argos USA - High quality Building products Cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and related building materials Personalized service Expert Solutions to Projects of All Scopes and Sizes . Medelln, Strategic Connections Annual Report Odinsa 2020, Annexes Integrated report Grupo Argos 2019. For society: To develop our suppliers, promote transparent practices and responsible conduct, to improve the productivity and competitiveness of our society and support the construction of a better future. Our goal is to reduce our net specific emissions to 523 kg CO. Our goal is to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions to 205 g/t clinker, reduce particulate matter emissions to 45 g/t clinker, reduce nitrogen oxide emissions to 1205 g/t clinker. Cash Flow 2Q22. We continue to strengthen our technological tools to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism risks, for the identification of early warnings. We have voluntarily adopted a self-regulatory framework that confirms our. Below is a chart that presents the current structure. Argos has been recognized by the Dow Jones Global Index as a world leader in sustainability November 13, 2021 Argos was recognized, as a global benchmark in sustainability in the construction materials sector, according to the Dow Jones Global Index (DJSI). since before the pandemic. Generating development opportunities for driving growth in all those parts of the world where we are present. We manage these consequences when they occur and we maintain clear and transparent communication with them. Therefore, in the global stage, a need. The use of financing mechanisms that include sustainability criteria. Training for Investigation Officers in the Labor Relations Category. For society: To promote transparent, competitive, and sustainable business environments that strengthen trust and ethics in business, generating positive impacts for the market and society. By mid-2022, the company plans to produce 100% PLC at the 1.7Mt/yr plant. This initiative, implemented in Colombia, is developed under a joint-work model of Cementos Argos, the communities and other allies such as local mayors, social ministers and educational institutions, such as the National Learning Service (. We continue to implement our Safety and Health strategy consistently to achieve our Goal of ZERO, ZERO Incidents and ZERO occupational illnesses, focusing on the following 4 pillars: At Argos we inspire transformation through the growth of our talent. Assessment of water risks and risks associated with biodiversity in our operations and value chain to prioritize efforts, promote collective action and allow innovative solutions with a positive impact on these resources. We measure the management of critical suppliers through performance evaluations in terms of quality, service, occupational health and safety, having constant feedback and identifying key factors for their development. We implement additional controls and development plans to suppliers belonging to categories where the greatest potential risks have been identified. The program has the following scope: Likewise, it systematically groups together the activities carried out to promote integrity in the Company's actions, its employees, and members, of the value chain, which allow the updating and permanent strengthening. Argos has been recognized by the Dow Jones Global Index as a world leader in sustainability Sustainability November 13, 2021 Argos was recognized, as a global benchmark in sustainability in the construction materials sector, according to the Dow Jones Global Index (DJSI). We are aware of the importance of identifying the Companys needs and employee interests. Grupo Argos plays an active role in the sustainability vision of its strategic investments, for which it has a Corporate Sustainability Strategy that sets the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance goals of the Business Group and that is fed by a broad visin, supported by the trends of each industry in which Cementos Argos, Celsia and Odinsa participate. For the company: To seek to add value throughout the Company's supply chain, from the purchase of goods and services to the delivery of products to clients. Loesche publishes first Sustainability Report; Cementos Argos' sales rise as volumes and earnings drop in first half of 2022; Dalmia Bharat's profit drops as sales rise in first quarter of 2023 financial year; We seek to contribute to water security and contribute to the development of the territories through education, culture and volunteering actions. Dissemination of the Transparency Hotline Investigation and Case-Management Protocol. Have management plans for 85% of the quarries located in areas with high biodiversity value Our goal is to reduce our net specific emissions to 523 kg CO2 /t of cementitious material. It is projected that it will generate an important socio economic contribution in more than 400 thousand inhabitants of Maceo, Santo Domingo, Cisneros, Girardota and Copacabana. With these trainings, as with our Performance Management Program, we enhance their progress with the accompaniment of their leaders. At Argos we believe that sustainability means creating value for both society and for the Company itself, which is why we uphold a Sustainability Strategy, which sets out our framework for action as well as the 3 pillars that define the action plans for achieving our objective. By embracing these initiatives, the people of Argo make possible our mission to help businesses stay in business and our core purpose to increase shareholder value. At Grupo Argos, we identify and prioritize stakeholders according to their level of dependency and influence on our strategy, as well as ours towards them. We must advance our societal impact. We are aware of the importance of our activity for the economic growth and social well-being of the geographies where we operate, while recognizing the impacts that this activity generates on the natural capital. Conference 1Q21. Learn more. At Grupo Argos we play the role of active strategic architect, leading and accompanying the monitoring of the general sustainability model of the Business Group, with a broad vision of trends and risks, and promoting the setting of goals and objectives in our strategic businesses and portfolio investments. Argos Innovation Center. This is why, during 2021, we focused our efforts on the review and detailed classification of our Green Solutions portfolio, resulting in this great achievement for our clients. Optimization of the cement clinker factor under the premise of diversifying and enriching the Company's portfolio with low-carbon products. In accordance with our express commitment in the Human- Rights Policy and knowing the reality of our operations and the challenges posed by the diversity of origins and cultures that our Organization has, we have a Risk-Management process that allows monitoring the behaviors of the Company or our suppliers that were identified as critical and that put people at risk who interact with the Company from any role. this report At Cementos Argos, we work every day to create value for the Company and for society. . Implementing the segmentation of our counterparties according to risk factors. We are included in the FTSE4Good and the Vigeo Eiris indexes of the most sustainable emerging entities in the world. At Argos we create value by contributing to the progress of the regions where we are present, facing the current challenges of society and transcending our role in the territory. Reduccin de emisiones especificas netas de CO2. For the company: To be strategic allies of the actors in our value chain in order to maintain the Company's leadership in the market, ensure its competitiveness over time and increase the generation of sustainable value. Grupo Argos plays an active role in the vision of sustainability of its strategic investments, for which it has a Corporate Sustainability Strategy that sets the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance goals of the Business Group. They are an exercise in transparency in which we publish progress in the management of the most relevant economic, social and environmental issues for our stakeholders. Our cement-, concrete- and aggregate-production processes generate punctual and scattered particulate matter (PM) emissions, as well as emissions of sulfur oxides (SO, The Emissions pillar of our Environmental Strategy focuses on: Working on the adequate measurement, control and reduction of SO, On September 27, the inaugural flight of Ariane 6 took place, a marvel of modernity in the middle of the French Guiana jungle. And we must promote investor confidence through corporate governance and transparency. Centro Santillana - Torre Sur SOLUTIONS. This is how we consolidate ourselves as a competitive, reliable company in the eyes of investors and other Stakeholders. Argos Wityu contributed 8,700 to Natuurpunt, which will use these funds to create 4,350m of new forests in the Brussels area. Identification of the level of risk of violation of relevant Human-Rights, as the case may be, in th. Every year we will have to report our progress. For this, we focus on four lines of action: We are committed to reducing our emissions through actions that achieve more efficient processes and the implementation of abatement measures, contributing to good air quality in the places where we operate. Through our business activities, we transform the different types of capital that we use to operate into value: financial, human, natural, social, intellectual and operational capital. Nearly 90% of the COVID-19 cases are concentrated in the urban, centers that have, among others, challenges associated with access to basic services and decent housing conditions. We are committed to guaranteeing the right to freedom of association, equal participation in processes, and respect for diversity. Argos, MSU's lead Operational Reporting Tool (ORT) is a flexible platform for creating and sharing reports and dashboards across the University.The ORT project is the first step in the much larger Enterprise Decision Support (EDS) program established to pull together various sources of information and provide the tools necessary to access and visualize trends and indicators in support of . For this reason, through our Climate Change Strategy, we have committed to acting throughout our value chain, mitigating direct and indirect CO. emissions, generating the necessary capacities to adapt to their impacts, and researching and developing initiatives to advance in solutions aimed towards the capture, storage and use of carbon; thus seeking to contribute to the competitiveness and resilient growth of both the Company and its Stakeholders. Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism Risk Management. In total, for this work, we will deliver 93,932 tons of cement and 91,814 tons of slag. Actuar con responsabilidad en nuestra operacin respetando y promoviendo los derechos humanos. Participation in at least one specific measurement or evaluation exercise for human rights in order to know the status of our system compared to best practices in the industries. We strive to ensure that everyone is made aware of the risks posed and apply control measures to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses. Nuestra meta es: - Eliminar las lesiones graves en nuestros colaboradores y contratistas al 2025**Segn alcance y definicin establecida. Cash flow 2Q21 . In 2019, we were once again recognized as the world's most sustainable company in the construction materials sector according to Dow Jones Sustainability Index. To achieve this goal, we analyze market demands, expand the offer of products and services with sustainability characteristics and maintain our high quality standards that characterize us. This is how, for example, we develop road-safety strategies for our logistics suppliers; with mining suppliers, we carry out a more rigorous pre-selection process, and with contractors, we have special controls on occupational health and safety. Cementos Argos, the most sustainable cement company in the world according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. For society: To sustainably respond to the growing demand for housing and infrastructure of the world population with the aim of improving people's quality of life, interconnecting regions and developing innovative solutions. has grown to transition to a low-carbon economy, an opportunity that becomes more relevant amid post-pandemic recovery scenarios and the effort we are making as a Company to generate new business models that respond to environmental and social challenges. Sustainability We strongly believe in the importance of training and communication in order to strengthen a culture of sustainability in our employees and other stakeholders, which consists of adopting habits, decisions and attitudes that are responsible towards our surroundings. At Argos, we understand this and take sustainability seriously. Home Retail Group ,owner of Argos and Homebase, warned yesterday the weakness of the pound could push up prices of non-food good as sourcing costs for retailers rise by up to 10%. Cash Flow 2Q22. Along these lines, we organized technical-information sessions with experts, mass vaccination sessions in conjunction with local Governments, direct acquisition of biologicals where the legislation allowed it, and channels were activated for the individual registration of the application of doses. WE ARE ALL ARGOS. (which guarantee the annual allocation of resources to fulfill the Roadmap). Medelln, Know more about the work of the Foundation. We are committed to the role we have as a Company in the achievement of, the 2030 Agenda goals, the consolidation of territorial development plans, where we operate, and the economic reactivation of the countries affected, by the pandemic. This operation represents a milestone for our Company because - in addition to evaluating environmental performance - it involves dealing with our suppliers in this type of credit. We have a Transparency Line for Stakeholders to report possible improper actions and to implement the pertinent corrective actions. They are an exercise in transparency in which we publish progress in the management of the most relevant economic, social and environmental issues for our stakeholders. The optimization of caloric consumption that depends on the operational and infrastructure adaptations that allow the Argos facilities to homogeneously expand and diversify their fuel mix. Presentation 2Q22. 2022-06-23 Change in Legal Representatives Report 1Q21. Reducing the risks and enhancing the opportunities associated with climate change. The relationship with the communities is framed in the responsibility of our actions, in the respect and promotion of human rights and in the construction of relationships of trust that generate development opportunities to promote joint growth. We believe in our capacity to provide solutions to our customers in a responsible way for the planet. For more information, please click here . Conference Call 2Q22. We changed 64 dust-collector filter bags of our Concrete Plant in Suriname to improve the extraction system of this material in the facility; This process required a large investment and allowed a significant reduction in dispersed emissions of particulate matter.
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