[164] Following trends dating back from the Communist regime, the post-Communist Albanian political establishment continues to approach Islam as the faith of the Ottoman "invader".[166]. Approximately 20% of Muslims identify themselves as having some connection to Bektashism. 7. International Monetary Fund (IMF), 9 October 2010. [40] It was organised into a small elite class owning big feudal estates worked by a large peasant class, both Christian and Muslim though few other individuals were also employed in the military, business, as artisans and in other professions. Never Married. Coffee is an integral part of the Albanian lifestyle. [239] The health care system of the country is currently organised in three levels, among others primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare, and is in a process of modernisation and development. Under communist rule from 1945 - 1990, Bektashism was banned in Albania. aj Mali (Sideritis tea) is enormously beloved, and a part of the daily routine for most Albanians. Self Created. [272], As defined by the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), the population of Albania was estimated in 2020 at 2,845,955. [146] In some cases communities declared that census workers never even contacted them. Between 1945 and 1953, the number of priests was reduced drastically and the number of Roman Catholic churches was decreased from 253 to 100, and all Catholics were stigmatized as fascists. The Bektashi Order was widespread in the Ottoman Empire, with most leading Bektashi babas from southern Albania. Traditional locations of linguistic and religious communities in Albania. [69][78][192][193] In the post communist period different socio-political reactions have occurred by regional neighbours and international powers toward Albania and Muslim Albanians. However, a new railway line from Tirana and its airport to Durrs is currently planned. The history of the Jews in Albania dates back at least 2,000 years dating back to 70 CE. The meaning of Europe in the discourse of Intellectuals in transitional Albania", Minderheitenschutz im stlichen Europa (Albanien) [Protection of minorities in Eastern Europe (Albania)], Return to Instability: How migration and great power politics threaten the Western Balkans, The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society, "Contradictory Inclinations? 1946 - Purges of non-communists from government positions. [201] The Foreign direct investment has increased significantly in recent years as the government has embarked on an ambitious programme to improve the business climate through fiscal and legislative reforms. [70] Signed by only 47 Muslim deputies, the league issued the Kararname that contained a proclamation that the people from northern Albania, Epirus and Bosnia and Herzegovina are willing to defend the territorial integrity of the Ottoman Empire by all possible means against the troops of Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro. This is not observed in other countries. The rail network is administered by the national railway company Hekurudha Shqiptare which was extensively promoted by the dictator Enver Hoxha. [48] An understanding emerged between most Sunni and Bektashi Albanians that religious differences needed to be sidelined for national cohesiveness. [70] That stood in contrast with the activities of local people who were quick to rebuild the destroyed tyrbes and other mausoleums of Sufi saints by the end of 1991. [236][8], Compulsory primary education is divided into two levels, elementary and secondary school, from grade one to five and six to nine, respectively. However the assistance did not come, and when the rebellion was crushed in 1596, Ottoman repression and heavy pressures to convert to Islam were implemented to punish the rebels. Minority organizations of Greeks (mostly Orthodox) and Roma (mostly Muslim) also claimed that minorities were underrepresented and the Greek organization Omonia argued that this was linked to the under-representation of the Orthodox population. Christianity Albania is considered one of the earliest seats of Christianity. [22] At the end of the 14th century, the previously Orthodox Autocephalous Archbishopric of Ohrid was dismantled in favor of the Catholic rite.[32]. ], "Prse Kisha Orthodhokse sht kundr martesave "homoseksuale"? [149] Meanwhile, 12% of Albanian Muslims agreed that "religious conflict is a big problem in Albania", though only 2% thought Christians were "hostile" to Muslims and 4% admitted that they thought Muslims were "hostile" to Christians. Albania - Country Profile - Shqiperia - Nations Online [18][19], Nowadays, Albanians call their country Shqipri or Shqipria. Since the early 4th century AD, Christianity had become the established religion in the Roman Empire, supplanting pagan polytheism and eclipsing for the most part the humanistic world outlook and institutions inherited from the Greek and Roman civilizations. [113] In 2009, the country, together with Croatia, gained active membership in NATO, becoming among the first countries in Southeast Europe to do so. Albania normally competes in events that include swimming, athletics, weightlifting, shooting and wrestling. Page 8-11, Schmitt, Oliver Jens. One road sign in Albanian and a minority language (Macedonian) and one in Albanian and a foreign language for tourists (English) in Pustec. Albania has been an active member of the United Nations since 1955. The Albanian Orthodox Church refused to recognize the results, saying they had drastically underrepresented the number of Orthodox Christians and noted various indications of this and ways in which it may have occurred. The estuaries, wetlands and lakes are extraordinarily important for the greater flamingo, pygmy cormorant and the extremely rare and perhaps the most iconic bird of the country, the dalmatian pelican. Tirana, Albania CNN . [54] At this point the Albanians were fully Christianised. Catholic Albanians who had some Albanian ethno-linguistic expression in schooling and church due to Austro-Hungarian protection and Italian clerical patronage. The refined level of the language and the stabilised orthography must be the result of an earlier tradition of written Albanian, a tradition that is not well understood. Kombsia dhe feja n Shqipri, 19201944 / Roberto Morocco dela Roka; e prktheu nga origjinali Luan Omari. [124] Some Muslim Albanians often refer to Orthodox Albanians as Greeks and attribute to them pro-Greek sentiments, while Orthodox Albanians view Muslim Albanians as having historically collaborated and identified with the Ottomans thereby earning the epithet Turk. [55][61] Apart from Bektashis, there were other main Sufi orders present in Albania during the interwar period such as the Halvetis, Qadiris, Rufais and Tijaniyyah. During the communist period, it is known that during the period of 19501968, the rates of mixed marriages ranged from 1.6% in Shkodr, 4.3% in Gjirokastr to 15.5% among the textile workers in Tiran. The victory of Russia over the Ottoman Empire following the Russian-Ottoman Wars resulted the execution of the Treaty of San Stefano which overlooked to assign Albanian-populated lands to the Slavic and Greek neighbours. [279] Tirana is one of largest cities in the Balkan Peninsula and ranks seventh with a population about 400,000. In an attempt at social modernisation, the custom of adding one's region to one's name was dropped. During the winter of 1271, the Angevin forces took Durrs. Charles claimed rights in Albania, as Manfred's successor, since 1267 when the Treaty of Viterbo was drawn up. These were promptly emptied by militias and criminal gangs. Albania is a religiously diverse country, with an estimated 57 percent of its population practicing Sunni Islam, 10 percent practicing Roman Catholicism, seven percent practicing Christian Orthodoxy, and two percent practicing a form of Shiite Sufism. When asked about religion, people generally refer to their family's historical religious legacy and not to their own choice of faith. [47] Kemi frik t kritikojm", "Replik absurdit t Fatos Tarifs: "A na duhet m Feja"?! Albanian wine is also common throughout the country, and has been cultivated for thousands of years. Tveit expressed this concern in letters issued at the beginning of May to the WCC president Archbishop Anastasios, to Prof. Dr Heiner Bielefeldt, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, and to the Albanian government. Kosovo: a short history. Almost 30% of the total population is found in Tirana County followed by Fier County with 11% and Durrs County with 10%. Approaching twenty per cent of the population are Christians, divided mainly between the Orthodox and smaller Catholic denominations. Albania was ranked 84th in the Global Innovation Index in 2021. Nowadays, estimations of the size of the irreligious population vary widely. Dominican priests were also ordered as bishops in Vlor and Butrint. [42], Realising that the collapse of Ottoman rule through military defeat in the Balkans was imminent, Albanians represented by Ismail Qemali declared Independence from the Ottoman Empire on 28 November 1912 in Vlor. 1943 - German forces invade and occupy Albania following Italian surrender. While there remained a small Albanian Catholic community in Vlore during Ottoman times, larger numbers of Catholics started were reported in the South after the fall of Communism, often in traditionally Orthodox areas. Prior to the rise of nationalism, Albania was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for almost five centuries, and Ottoman authorities suppressed any expression of national unity or conscience by the Albanian people. 1941 - Enver Hoxha becomes head of new Albanian Communist Party. Ancient architecture is found throughout Albania and most visible in Byllis, Amantia, Phoenice, Apollonia, Butrint, Antigonia, Shkodr and Durrs. [78][79] Bektashis also highlight and celebrate figures such as Naim Frashri who was made an honorary baba because he was involved in the Albanian National Awakening and often referred to his Bektashi roots. Two other power stations, such as the Banj and Moglic, are located along the Devoll in the south. [70] In 1990 along with a Catholic church, the Lead mosque in Shkodr were both the first religious buildings reopened in Albania. Cooking traditions especially vary between the north and the south, owing to differing topography and climate that essentially contribute to the excellent growth conditions for a wide array of herbs, fruits, and vegetables.[353]. [2][82][83] Within this context Muslim Albanians have also supported the separation of religion from the state with faith being considered as a personal private matter. A productive period of Historicism, Art Nouveau and Neoclassicism merged into the 19th century, best exemplified in Kor. [283] Regarding the Greeks, "it is difficult to know how many Greeks there are in Albania". In Moscopole there were over 23 churches during the city's period of prosperity in the mid 18th century. Bardhana: This Albanian name, meaning 'white moon', comes from the elements bardhe, which means 'white' and hene, which means 'moon'. [116] The Bosniak community of the Shijak area whose presence dates back to 1875 inhabits almost entirely the village of Borakaj and in the neighbouring village Koxhas they live alongside Albanians and form a minority. The Albanian language comprises an independent branch and is a language isolate within the Indo-European family of languages; it is not connected to any other known living language in Europe. [155] Albania has fifteen officially designated national parks scattered across its territory. [165] In 2019, Albania had a Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 6.77 from 10, ranking it 64th globally out of 172 countries. Its bishopric had been Catholic since 1167. The Albanian Armed Forces consist of Land, Air and Naval Forces and constitute the military and paramilitary forces of the country. Indonesia 22 crore 90 lakh 1st. The Catholic rite was called Latin heresy and, angered in part by marriages of Serbian Orthodox with "half-believers" and the Catholic proselytization of Serbians, Dushan's code, the Zakonik contained harsh measures against them. The main religion in Albania is Islam. [136][137] Farther south extends the Large and Small Lake of Prespa, which are among the highest positioned lakes in the Balkans. [145] Meanwhile, Albania's "example" has also drawn interest recently in the West, where it has been used to argue that "religious freedom and Islamic values not only can co-exist, but also can flourish together", and is seen as a positive argument in favor of accelerating Albania's accession to the EU. [103] The Bektashi though are selective of outside influence, with sometimes for example editing texts of Iranian Shia thinkers in Bektashi literature or borrowing from others. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The census was criticised and boycotted by minorities in Albania. [240] Accidents, injuries, malignant and respiratory diseases are other primary causes of death. Unemployment has been steadily reduced, with Albania achieving the 4th lowest unemployment rate in the Balkans. Halvetis are said to dislike both the dominance of mainline Sunnis in the generic "Muslim" community and the non-recognition of their sect's separate existence, but also the dominance of Bektashis in the Sufi scene. The capital city is Tirana (Tiran). Is Britain hardening its heart against Muslims? | The Spectator Larousse Dictionary of Beliefs & Religions (Larousse: 1994); pg. In the last census, conducted in 2011, 56.7% of the Albanian population declared themselves Muslim. Later, episcopal seats were established in Apollonia, Buthrotum (modern Butrint), and Scodra (modern Shkodra). A target of several corruption scandals and allegations, Mr Meta has constantly denied any wrongdoing. He served as prime minister and foreign minister. [73] Of the roughly 1,127 Islamic buildings existing in Albania prior to the communists coming to power, only 50 mosques remained thereafter with most being in a state of disrepair. Notable examples of that style include the Mother Teresa Square, Pyramid of Tirana, Palace of Congresses and so on. The largest county in Albania, by population, is Tirana County with over 800,000 people. [200] According to Forbes, as of December2016[update], the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was growing at 2.8%. A couple of Muslim Albanians attained important political and military positions who culturally contributed to the broader Muslim world. [78] The Bektashi during most of the 1990s had no privileged links with the political establishment until 1997 when the Socialists came to power. The new land reform laws were passed granting ownership of the land to the workers and peasants who tilled it. Bektashi-majority areas include Skrapari, Dishnica, Erseka and Bulqiza while Bektashis also have large, possibly majority concentrations in Kruja, Mallakastra, Tepelena, large pockets of the Gjirokastr and Delvina Districts (i.e. "The Ethnic Composition of Medieval Epirus". During the Ottoman period, most Christians as well as most Muslims employed a degree of syncretism, still practising various pagan rites; many of these rites are best preserved among mystical orders like the Bektashi. [47] In the region of Gramsh Muslims were a majority except for two people and in the southern Peqin area only Muslims were present. Albania becomes first Muslim country to adopt IHRA definition of anti [174] On 7 August 2016, a Muslim woman wearing a headscarf was beaten on a bus and called a "terrorist. [125][126][128][129] Among Muslims in Albania the term used for their religious community is myslyman and the word turk is also used in a strictly religious sense to connote Muslim and not ethnic affiliation, while Christians also use the word kaur to at times refer to themselves. 1999 - Nato air strikes against Yugoslav military targets. [19], Wars and socio-political instability resulting in increasing identification with the Ottoman Empire amongst some Muslims within the Balkans during the late Ottoman period made the terms Muslim and Turk synonymous. [65] Hoxha's brutal antireligious campaign succeeded in eradicating formal worship, but some Albanians continued to practise their faith clandestinely, risking severe punishment. [333] It later emerged as the majority religion, during centuries of Ottoman rule,[334] though a significant Christian minority remained. [135] The Orthodox church claimed that from its own calculations, the Orthodox percentage should have been around 24%, rather than 6.75%. It was reported in Albanian media that there were instances of pollsters telling respondents that the religion question would be filled out for them. Read about our approach to external linking. [70][110] Within the Romani community there exist two main divisions: the Gabels who speak the Romani language and those who self identify as Jevgs that consider themselves separate from the Romani, speak Albanian and are somewhat integrated in Albania. 1985 - After ruling for nearly half a century, Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha dies. However, 40% believed in hell, while 42% believed in heaven. The civil law, codified and based on the Napoleonic Code, is divided between courts with regular civil and criminal jurisdiction and administrative courts. The first Albanian Halveti tekke however was in Ioannina, now Greece. [65] Within this context, religions like Islam were denounced as foreign and clergy such as Muslim muftis were criticised as being socially backward with the propensity to become agents of other states and undermine Albanian interests. The cultural renaissance was first of all expressed through the development of the Albanian language in the area of church texts and publications, mainly of the Catholic region in the northern of Albania, but also of the Orthodox in the south. Albania shares many symbols associated with its history, culture and belief. In 1208, a Catholic archdeacon was elected for the archbishopric of Durrs. [28] The endonym Illyrians seems to be the name applied to a specific Illyrian tribe, which was the first to come in liaison with the Ancient Greeks resulting in the endonym Illyrians to be applied pars pro toto to all people of similar language and customs. [116][117], Edi Rama of the Socialist Party won both the 2013 and 2017 parliamentary elections. Albanian Identities. Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprire Hammond, Guy Thompson Griffith. Albania is one of three European countries, along with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, with Muslim-majority populations, and these countries were central to my road trip in search of the. [347] However, Onufri, Kol Idromeno, David Selenica, Kostandin Shpataraku and the Zografi Brothers are the most eminent representatives of Albanian art. Frequent praying (at least 2 to 3 times per week) was higher in Christians (29%) than in Muslims (17%) Praying several times daily (as required of devout Muslims) was rare (2% in Muslims and 3% in Christians). JAKARTA: Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, kicked off on Wednesday the Group of 20's first-ever Religion Forum ahead of the upcoming G20 summit in Bali. While Catholicism was chronically held in suspicion by Ottoman authorities, after the conquest of Constantinople, the Ottomans largely allowed the Orthodox church to function unhindered, except during periods when the church was considered politically suspect and thus suppressed with expulsions of bishops and seizure of property and revenues. To Bektashism in Vlor and Butrint to be sidelined for national cohesiveness in! Traditional locations of linguistic and religious communities in Albania however, a Catholic archdeacon was elected the... Emerged between most Sunni and Bektashi Albanians that religious differences needed to be for... Criticised and boycotted by minorities in Albania '', `` Replik absurdit t Fatos Tarifs: a. 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