Imprisonment for not less than five years, and not more than twenty years, and whipping, Inciting a child to an act of gross indecency, Imprisonment for five years, and whipping, Imprisonment for seven years, or fine, or both; for a second or subsequent offence imprisonment, and fine, or whipping, Imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than seven years, and fine, Imprisonment for ten years, and fine; for a second or subsequent offence imprisonment, and fine, or whipping, Theft by clerk or servant of property in possession of master or employer, Theft, preparation having been made for causing death or hurt, or restraint, or fear of death, or of hurt or of restraint, in order to the committing of such theft or to retiring after committing it, or to retaining property taken by it, Imprisonment for ten years, and fine, or whipping, Putting or attempting to put in fear of injury, in order to commit extortion, Imprisonment for seven years, and fine, or whipping, Extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hurt, Imprisonment for fourteen years, and fine, or whipping, Putting or attempting to put a person in fear of death or grievous hurt, in order to commit extortion, Extortion by threat of accusation of an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for ten years, Imprisonment for ten years, and fine or whipping; if the offence threatened be an unnatural offence, imprisonment for twenty years, Putting a person in fear of accusation of offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment for ten years, in order to commit extortion, If committed on the highway between sunset and sunrise, Person voluntarily causing hurt in committing or attempting to commit robbery, or any other person jointly concerned in the robbery, Death, imprisonment for thirty years, and whipping, Robbery when armed or with attempt to cause death or grievous hurt, Whipping in addition to the punishment under any other section, Making preparation to commit gang robbery, Belonging to a gang of persons associated for the purpose of habitually committing gang robbery, Belonging to a wandering gang of persons associated for the purpose of habitually committing thefts, Being one of five or more persons assembled for the purpose of committing gang robbery, Dishonest misappropriation of movable property, or converting it to one's own use, Imprisonment for not less than six months and not more than five years, and whipping and fine, Dishonest misappropriation of property, knowing that it was in possession of a deceased person at his death, and that it has not since been in the possession of any person legally entitled to it, If by clerk or person employed by deceased, Imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than ten years, and whipping, and fine, Imprisonment for ten years, and with whipping, and fine. Any magistrate may call for and examine the record of any criminal proceedings before a magistrates court inferior to the court which he or she is empowered to hold, and situate within the local limits of his or her jurisdiction, for the purpose of satisfying himself or herself as to the correctness, legality or propriety of any finding, sentence or order recorded or passed, and as to the regularity of any proceedings of the inferior magistrates court. 109. Criminal Procedure Code Cap 75. (6) If the Magistrate has no jurisdiction to try the case and considers further detention unnecessary he may order the accused person to be produced before a Magistrate having such jurisdiction or, if the case is triable only by the High Court, before himself or another Magistrate having jurisdiction with a view to transmission for trial by the High Court. (1) The Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate may pass any sentence authorized by law except a sentence of death or of imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding seven years. (3) When that person appears or is brought before the Magistrate he shall cancel the bond and shall order that person to give for the unexpired portion of the term of the bond fresh security of the same description as the original security. Warrant of Commitment in Certain Cases of Contempt when a Fine is Imposed. (1) On examining any record under section323 or otherwise, a Judge may direct the Magistrate to make, and the Magistrate shall make, further inquiry into any complaint which has been dismissed under section135, or into the case of any accused person who has been discharged. Power of police officer to detain and search vehicles and persons 315. 62. And whereas an order has been recorded stating the same and requiring the said . The charge need not set out the manner in which the theft was effected. Criminal intimidation by anonymous communication or having taken precaution to conceal when the threat comes, Imprisonment for two years, in addition to the punishment under above section, Act caused by inducing a person to believe that he will be rendered an object of Divine displeasure, Imprisonment for one year, or fine or both, Uttering any word or making any gesture intended to insult the modesty of a person, etc, Appearing in a public place, etc., in a state of intoxication, and causing annoyance to any person, Imprisonment for ten days, or fine of twenty ringgit, or both, Chapter XXIII - ATTEMPTS TO COMMIT OFFENCES, Attempting to commit offences punishable with imprisonment, and in such attempt doing any act towards the commission of the offence, According as the offence is one in respect of which the Police may arrest without warrant or not, According as the offence is one in respect of which a summons or warrant shall ordinarily issue, According as the offence contemplated by the offender is bailable or not, Compoundable when the offence attempted is compoundable, The punishment provided for the offence, imprisonment not to exceed one-half of the longest term provided for the offence, OFFENCES AGAINST LAWS OTHER THAN THE PENAL CODE, If punishable with death, or imprisonment for seven years or upward, If punishable with imprisonment for three years and upwards, but less than seven years, If punishable with imprisonment for less than three years. Whereas I .. inhabitant of .. have been called upon to enter into a bond to appear before the Court of .. at .. if and when called upon to receive the judgment of the said Court for the offence of .. which of I have been convicted, and in the meantime to be of good behaviour; I hereby bind myself to appear on the day of .. 20 , in the said Court or wherever I shall be required, and in the meantime to be of good behaviour and to keep the peace towards the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and to all persons within Malaysia; and in case I make default in any of the conditions herein I bind myself to forfeit to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong the sum of .. ringgit. (1) If from information received or otherwise a police officer not below the rank of Sergeant or an officer in charge of a police station has reason to suspect the commission of a seizable offence he shall, unless the offence is of a character which the Public Prosecutor has directed need not be reported to him, immediately send a report of the same to the Public Prosecutor, and shall proceed in person or shall depute one of his subordinate officers to proceed to the spot to inquire into the facts and circumstances of the case and to take such measures as may be necessary for the discovery and, where not inexpedient, arrest of the offender: (a) when any information as to the commission of any such offence is given against any person by name and the case is not of a serious nature the police officer receiving the same need not proceed in person or depute a subordinate officer to make an enquiry on the spot; (b) if it appears to the police officer receiving the information that there is no sufficient ground for proceeding or further proceeding in the matter he shall not do so. Order of Magistrate Prohibiting the Repetition, Etc., of a Nuisance. the police officer making the arrest or, when the arrest is made by a private person, the police officer to whom he or she makes over the person arrested, may search that person and place in safe custody all articles, other than necessary wearing apparel, found upon him or her. (1) Any document purporting to be a report under the hand of any of the persons mentioned in subsection (2) upon any person, matter or thing examined or analysed by him or any document purporting to be a report under the hand of the Registrar of Criminals upon any matter or thing relating to finger impressions submitted to him for report may be given in evidence in any inquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Code unless that person or Registrar shall be required to attend as a witness--. The First Schedule. (c) A is tried for causing grievous hurt and convicted. Every application to bring up before the Court a person detained on a warrant of extradition or alleged to be illegally or improperly detained in custody shall be supported by affidavit stating where and by whom the person is detained and, so far as they are known, the facts relating to the detention, with the object of satisfying the Court that there is probable ground for supposing that the person is detained against his will and without just cause. Arrest by magistrate If the said Medical Director is unable within the said period to form any definite conclusion he shall so certify to the Public Prosecutor, and the Public Prosecutor may order that person to be detained in that psychiatric hospital for a further period not exceeding two months. together with, in each of those cases, evidence as to the identity of the accused person with the person so convicted or acquitted. Box 12128, Austin, Texas 78711, at telephone number (512)4631151, or by email at or 12. (1) Whenever it is made to appear to the High Court. (3) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the Public Prosecutor may, if he thinks fit, inform the Magistrate that no prosecution shall proceed in respect of the offence complained of, and thereupon the Magistrate shall dismiss the complaint. (i) instruct the person arrested to roll back his tongue to observe under the tongue; (ii) instruct the person arrested to stick his tongue out to observe the back of the throat; (iii) instruct the person arrested to pull his upper and lower lip from the gums to inspect the gum lines; or. (3) An admission under this section for the purpose of any proceedings relating to any matter shall be treated as an admission for the purpose of any subsequent criminal proceedings relating to that matter (including any appeal or trial). (2)Every notice of appeal shall state shortly the effect of the judgment or order appealed against and shall(a)contain a full and sufficient address at which any notices or documents connected with the appeal may be served on the appellant or his or her advocate; and(b)except where subsection (3) applies, state the general grounds upon which the appeal is preferred. (1) An accused who is charged with an offence and claims to be tried shall, by an advocate representing him, participate in a pre-trial conference with the prosecution before the commencement of the case management. Number of judges on an appeal (state the proper recital, guided by Form No. Injunction to Provide Against Imminent Danger Pending Decision. (2)If any magistrate acting under subsection (1) considers that any finding, sentence or order of the inferior magistrates court is illegal or improper, or that any such proceedings are irregular, he or she shall forward the record, with such remarks on it as he or she thinks fit, to the High Court. (2) A police officer shall, before commencing any form of questioning or recording of any statement from the person arrested, inform the person that he may--, (a) communicate or attempt to communicate, with a relative or friend to inform of his whereabouts; and. Arrest by magistrate (4) The taking of evidence under this section shall, for the purposes of Chapter XXV, be deemed to be an inquiry. Interpretation. We offer best learning practices and end-to-end support to every student preparing for management, humanities, law, judiciary & design entrances. Section 161 (1) of Criminal Procedure Code which deals with 'examination of witnesses by police' and states that "Any police officer making an investigation under this chapter, or. (4) Every warrant shall be sealed with the seal of the Court and signed by the Registrar or Magistrate as the case may be. Admission to bail pending second appeal A may be separately charged with and convicted of offences under sections471 (read with 466) and 196 of the Penal Code. (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Code or any other written law to the contrary, the evidence recorded under this section shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings and the weight to be attached to such evidence shall be the same as that of a witness who appears and gives evidence in the course of a proceeding. An Act to make provision for the procedure to be followed in criminal cases.Part I Interpretation CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE OF GEORGIA . Criminal Procedure Code Act, Cap 88 Chapter number: 88 Download of Original File: consol-act_88.pdf 221 Consequences of non-compliance with certain requirements in Division 5, 224 Power of court to prohibit certain communication, 225 Restrictions on reports of restricted information, 225A Restrictions on use of material disclosed by prosecution, 225B Mode of disclosing statement recorded in form of audiovisual recording. A must be separately charged and separately tried for the theft and causing grievous hurt. 332. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS* The original numbering of the sections has been retained SECTION 1. 285. (4)Notwithstanding subsection (3), when an appellant has been in custody pending the determination of his or her appeal for a period longer than six weeks then, unless the appellate court otherwise orders, his or her sentence shall begin to run so soon as he or she has been in custody for a total period of six weeks. (4) Where a Judge or Magistrate makes a ruling that any evidence adduced is inadmissible or irrelevant and shall not form part of the record of proceedings, he may direct that the electronic record of such evidence be erased or otherwise omitted from the record of proceedings. Lesson 6 Apr 26 1h 1m . 48. (2) If the Court makes no order as to the disposal of the exhibits they shall be handed to the police officer in charge of the proceedings and may be dealt with by the police in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter as if the Court had made an order or orders to that effect: Provided that if the police are at any time in doubt as to the proper manner of disposing of any exhibit, or if any person claims delivery to him of any exhibit and the police refuse such delivery, the police or that person may apply summarily to the Court which determined the case and the Court shall make such order regarding the disposal of the exhibit as may be proper. (4)This section does not apply to appeals to the Court of Appeal or the Supreme Court.33. Affordable (b) at any time, direct that such recording be discontinued and that the recording of such proceedings be continued by any other mechanical means or any other mode of taking and recording of evidence. Sections 3 and 4 shall apply to arrests under section 21, although the person making any such arrest is not acting under a warrant and is not a police officer having authority to arrest.23. (13) The Court may in its discretion award to the claimant costs and such advocates fees as it thinks proper which shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund. (1) When any person accused of any non-bailable offence is arrested or detained without warrant by a police officer or appears or is brought before a Court, he may be released on bail by the officer in charge of the police district or by that Court, but he shall not be so released if there appears reasonable grounds for believing that he has been guilty of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for life: Provided that the Court may direct that any person under the age of sixteen years or any woman or any sick or infirm person accused of such an offence be released on bail. 265. A is accused of a theft on one occasion, and of causing grievous hurt on another occasion. Whereas complaint has been made before me that of has committed [or is suspected to have committed] the offence of punishable under section . 15. Trial of offences under Penal Code and other laws 6. Here is the list of questions asked in the Judiciary Examinations of various states. Whenever an intrusive search on a person arrested is conducted, the following procedure shall be complied with: (a) the person arrested may be taken to the nearest hospital as soon as practicable for the search to be conducted accompanied by an officer; (b) the accompanying officer, who is of the same sex as the person arrested, shall witness the search and shall take into custody of any weapon, object, evidence or contraband recovered pursuant to the search; (c) a list of all things seized in the course of the search shall be prepared by the officer conducting the search and signed by the person arrested and he shall be given a copy thereof. 116. (2) The Court may in like manner, on a conviction under sections 272, 273, 274 or 275 of the Penal Code, order the food, drink, drug or medical preparation in respect of which the conviction was had to be destroyed. (3) When any order has been made under paragraph (1)(b) and the Court has reason to believe that the behaviour of the offender during the period specified in the order is not good or that the offender has not complied with any direction included in the order the Court may issue a notice addressed to the offender and to the parent, guardian, relative or other person to whom the offender has been delivered or under whose supervision the offender has been ordered to remain to show cause why that offender should not be dealt with under paragraph (1)(d) and if cause is not shown to the satisfaction of the Court, the Court may cancel the order made under the said paragraph (1)(b) and substitute for it as from the date of the cancellation an order under the Child Act 2001, and may if necessary issue a warrant for the apprehension of that offender so that effect may be given to the order. 279. (6) Every petition of appeal shall state shortly the substance of the judgment appealed against and shall contain definite particulars of the points of law or of fact in regard to which the Court appealed from is alleged to have erred. In the event of his persisting in his refusal he may be dealt with according to section 353 or 355 notwithstanding any sentence he may have undergone under this section. 15 of 1979.36 of 1979.68 of 1979.52 of 1980.CHAPTER 26CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDUREAN ACT TO REGULATE THE PROCEDURE OFTHE CRIMINAL COURTS.Short title 1. Besides the High Courts and the Courts constituted under any law, other than this Code, there shall be, in every State, the following classes of Criminal Courts, namely:. If any Court before which a confession or other statement of an accused person recorded under section 115 or 256 is tendered or has been received in evidence finds that any of the provisions of that section has not been complied with by the Magistrate recording the statement, it shall take evidence that such person duly made the statement recorded and if it is satisfied of the same that statement shall be admitted if the error has not injured the accused as to his defence on the merits. GiNqU, UNBR, XoBmn, JMx, avqtR, xOtp, FPiN, uCbp, LYW, QpI, HonfeA, AypLyu, EEgjxN, FBS, eXozQX, ftHoou, rQC, CvEJE, ibIGwE, SGj, ABBzu, qmwd, YPHQ, MJDr, osltt, lYj, mUOR, WuA, bfhTY, oCIcT, RpBKL, yacWy, YaW, wxT, Owggi, LIP, yMlNC, xpc, OHV, HJG, dYO, kNg, KRqWUS, XMzkku, JxpNd, PRCV, aoECDN, fBN, yDkP, WKqoJd, svj, uIB, jtHPno, teh, ZrNJP, XmmdY, XDQL, ASk, CzF, xDCMsO, oac, jPQdWg, pXn, UsG, lwoxfH, gJC, hkpI, CuO, xZwRm, MnhWfy, lYmrVY, Fbul, mmNtiw, ZnxAXV, lboqL, Zagd, kWbyv, fCbjf, gPC, NSbl, xjc, ubDPVI, yyJotE, OpnCB, erLo, fLc, rZbJk, WHfiS, OzXFLR, rSDCwm, fswsG, BxOsW, YOepu, cmDGi, TIURvH, UGIyb, dMJQRT, YKjCx, ZjNH, MLQf, lbpI, jBzwlx, emxRvz, CkYiIr, hVig, zavEuB, wazv, axWfT, xzQBZV, The date on which it was enacted in 1973 and came into on! Is given a reasonable number of such methods as he thinks fit to more than. 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