objects (dictHiddenFiles, objFile), strPrompt = FILE & vbCrLf & _ Not the answer you're looking for? Although VBScript allows you only to program an Outlook form, it nevertheless gives you relatively complete access to the Outlook object model, which is shown in Figure 6.6. MsgBox _ ",0,"Please answer"), I think I can use confirm("Are you a programmer?"). To specify more than the first named argument, you must use MsgBox in an expression. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. Will Nondetection prevent an Alarm spell from triggering? But I want that result of my macro into the A1 cell of sheet1. To do this in VBScript, use the MsgBox function. To access the programming interface, use the name of control you assign in the tag, followed by the subobject (if any), the name of the method or property, and any parameters or values supported by the method or property: For events, include the name of the control followed by the name of the event and any parameters: You can also specify an event handler using the