> TCT circular saw blade > Tapping on special workpiece material TCT circular saw blade
Tapping on special workpiece material TCT circular saw blade
2015-03-05 by bridge
Workpiece material workability is the key difficulty of tapping. Now tap the manufacturer's main concern is the development of

Taps for special material processing. For the performance of these materials to change the geometry of the cutting portion of the tap, in particular its front angle and a drop amount (HOOK) ─ recessed extent of the front. Sometimes being the highest processing speed machine performance limitations. For smaller wire hung, spindle speed in order to achieve the desired speed [rpm = (sfm x 3.8) / Taps diameter], may have exceeded the maximum spindle speed. On the other hand, with a larger tap speed cutting, will produce greater torque than the machine could provide bigger horsepower. Application 700psi internal cooling tools, cutting speed may reach 250sfm. And in the absence of cooling facilities within the machine, cutting speed can reach 150sfm. Unlike most reinforced concrete cutting discs metal cutting wire hung tool, because it is in contact with the workpiece hole wall area is very large, so cooling is essential. If the high-speed steel cone overheating, the wire will break pushing, burning, geometry characteristics NORIS's high performance wire-hung, that is after a larger angle and inverted cone. "
Geometric shape of the tap, which together with a special coating surface (like TiN, TiCN, CrN or TiAlN), can greatly improve the life of the tap. These heat-resistant, smooth coating, the cutting force is reduced and allows tapping at higher cutting speeds. In fact, compared with the development of new high-performance taps, greatly contributed to the machine spindle speed and power increase....

   keywords:    TCT circular saw blade

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