Alternate fuels should be economically attractive in order to compete with currently used fossil fuels. XRD analysis indicated peaks typical of SrO alone. Waste Soybean Oil and Corn Steep Liquor as Economic Substrates for Bioemulsifier and Biodiesel Production by Candida lipolytica UCP 0998. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. The findings of the study prove that pH adjustment using acetic acid is efficient in cultivating C zofingiensis in wastewater in winter for biodiesel production and nutrient reduction. This fuel is used in a four stroke single cylinder direct injection diesel engine, and its effects on performance and emissions were investigated for various engine speeds at full load. BET surface area indicated that the shells calcined in the temperature range of 700 degrees C-900 degrees C exhibited enhanced surface area and higher pore volume than the shells calcined at 600 degrees C. Reusability of the catalysts prepared in different temperatures was also investigated. Optimization of the pre-treatment technology is presented using a proposed mathematical model. TLL immobilized the new supports (except Lifetech (TM) ECR1061M) seemed to be very promising in solvent free medium, and yields near to 80% could be achieved in direct addition of 3:1 methanol to triglyceride molar ratio. Bioresource Technology. The catalytic and textural properties of the prepared catalysts have been investigated in detail and it was found that the starch-derived catalyst had the best catalytic performance. Carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio was 12.5 +/- 2 % higher than in photoautotrophic control, indicating an increase in photosystem II activity, thereby increasing growth rate. Multi-objective optimization evidenced that although the use of the pure oils as feedstock presented more advantages to biodiesel properties, the waste fish oil (42.1 wt.%) and waste flying oil (57.9 wt.%) mix is beneficial, if the aim is IP (20%) and COM (80%) improvement. Bioresource Technology. Promising engine performance was observed at various blends of FIR produced optimal biodiesel with commercial petro-diesel. The maximum hydrogen evolution rate was 17.8 mmol/(L.h). Background. A. The waste consisted of fish viscera, fins, heads, skin, scales and mix of all residues mentioned. The obtained CaO catalyst exhibited high catalytic activity for biodiesel production from transesterification of waste cooking oil and methanol. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. in the centrate, a highly concentrated municipal wastewater stream generated from activated sludge thickening process, for simultaneous wastewater treatment and energy production was tested. When WFO was used, the reused catalysts showed improved performance probably due to the formation of calcium diglyceroxide. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. From the analysis of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile, the extracted microalgae lipid was suitable for biodiesel production. Long-term repeated operation of PBR was also examined. The experimental result showed that 1.5 wt.% catalyst, 12:1 M ratio of methanol to oil, 65 degrees C reaction temperature, 2 h reaction time with speed of 250 rpm gave the best results. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology. The presence of CaO, MgO and ZnO in these catalysts made them highly reactive for biodiesel synthesis. Results also indicated that large scale production favored reduction in selling prices and subsidies. Ultrasound-assisted biodiesel production from waste cooking oil using hydrotalcite prepared by combustion method as catalyst. The first two steps correspond to process inventory analysis based on mass and energy balances and impact assessment phases of LCA methodology. Compared to conventional ester-exchange reaction, it is found that the reaction time can be shortened to 15min, which is half of the conventional ester-exchange reaction. It was found that hydrotalcite is more efficient than zeolites studied. (4A(0) Seminario de Depuracin anaerobia de aguas residuales, Valladolid Universidad, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Valladolid, 1988). 101(1) 93-100, Issariyakul, T.; Kulkarni, M. G.; Meher, L. C.; Dalai, A. K.; Bakhshi, N. N. 2008. On the basis of morphology and 16S/18S rRNA gene sequences, one strain was identified to be a member of cyanobacteria, while other 12 strains belong to green algae. Under these conditions, methyl ester content reached to 100 wt%. The lowest specific fuel consumptions were obtained at 2200 min(-1) for both fuels. The deactivation effect of water formed hydrated proton (-H3O+-SO3) on resin catalyst cannot be alleviated by increasing methanol concentration but can be reduced through increasing reaction temperature. 184169-178, Toralles, L. P.; Alves, C. T.; Torres, E. A.; Andrade, H. M. C.; Pessoa, F. L. P.; de Melo, S. A. This was achieved in the presence of a porous material (i.e., charcoal), and the optimal conditions for transformation into biodiesel via this noncatalytic method were assessed at the fundamental level. 2017. The determined specifications of obtained biodiesel according to ASTM D 6751 and EN 14214 standards were in accordance with the required limits. After phase separation, a subsequent ethyl esterification of free fatty acids obtained from hydrolysis was carried out at 100 degrees C and 150 degrees C, using 10:1 and 20:1 as ethanol: oil molar ratio. Towards sustainable biofuel production: Design of a new biocatalyst to biodiesel synthesis from waste oil and commercial ethanol. In the work reported here, distribution of products (solid, liquid, and gas) by thermal conversion of wastes from biodiesel production process which are extracted physic nut and palm shell mixed with glycerol waste was carried out using a medium scale tubular reactor with feeding rate of 5 g/min. The characterization of chalky white calcined powders by XRD showed diffraction lines typical of lime but some samples were slightly contaminated with calcite. AGFD 272-Production of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid from biodiesel-waste glycerol by microalgal fermentation. Biodiesel production potential of wastewater treatment high rate algal pond biomass. The emerging technologies which can be utilized in this field are also investigated. Generally, UCO is collected from restaurants, food industries and recycling centres by authorised companies. Renewable Energy. Bioresource Technology. It was take into account the amount of raw material that was processed, reduction of landfill disposal, and the maximization of the their recycling and reuse. The CaO nanocatalyst was synthesied by calcination-hydration dehydration technique and fully characterized by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), brunauer emmett teller (BET) elemental and thermogravimetric analysis. The present study deals with the production of biodiesel using waste fish oil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Energy Conversion and Management. Optimized WCOB yield was procured for chemical transesterification when reactions were performed for 90 min at 45 degrees C using 0.75% NaOCH3 and 6:1 methanol to oil molar ratio, whereas, enzymatic transesterification at 32.50 degrees C for 60 h using 0.75% NOVOZYME-435 and 6:1 methanol : oil molar ratio. For C. kessleri, the optimum light intensity was 120 micromol m(-2) S(-1) for all responses except for COD removal. Defective coffee press cake, a residue from coffee oil biodiesel production, was evaluated as raw material for production of an adsorbent for removal of methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution. 92(10) 2083-2088, Bezergianni, S.; Dimitriadis, A.; Kalogianni, A.; Knudsen, K. G. 2011. Waste Management. Greasy agroindustrial waste from the process of cooking hog meat was used to produce biodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters and fatty acid ethyl esters) under a specific storage condition. 29(12) 1708-1712, Uzun, B. 135357-364, Cheirsilp, B.; Louhasakul, Y. Amongst these, waste cooking oil is considered to be an economical feedstock. 1124505-4514, Sinha, D.; Murugavelh, S. 2016. The characteristics of algal growth, lipid and biodiesel production, and nutrient removal were examined by using tubular bubble column photobioreactors to cultivate C. zofingiensis in piggery wastewater with six different concentrations. The results showed that the model could adequately simulate the reaction results of biodiesel production at different lipase loadings, substrate ratios and initial water concentrations. 291-294284-289, Yu, C. Y.; Huang, L. Y.; Kuan, I. C.; Lee, S. L. 2013. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a secondary biodiesel production from the solid residual fraction of restaurant waste after typical grease extraction (SRF) employing a high fat containing insect, black soldier fly. A novel catalyst, SrO on microporous activated carbon (SrO/C), was synthesized by sonochemical deposition of SrO on carbon. Washing of the biodiesel was found to be necessary for a better quality biodiesel and the effects were associated with the removal of residual by-products like excess alcohol, excess catalysts, soap and glycerine. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Energies. In this work, a simultaneous production of hydrogen and methane from biodiesel wastewater with added glycerine was investigated by using a two-stage anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) system. 2016. With increasingly stringent regulations and limits on wastewater discharge and gaseous emission, modification of current conventional processes must be made to meet these new limits. In this case, several biodiesel optimization scenarios have been proposed. The biodiesel production chain is analyzed to quantify the net yield of energy and exergy and their respective degree of efficiency. 491-17, Moradi, G.; Mohammadi, F. 2014. Applied Catalysis a-General. B.; Povrenovic, D. S.; Veljkovic, V. B. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis. There are no studies regarding the use of melon seed oil or its esters as fuel in literature. Melt crystallization for refinement of triolein and palmitic acid mixture as a model waste oil for biodiesel fuel production. The distillate produced by deodorization of palm oil (DDPO) is a waste that corresponds to 4% of the product formed in this process. Preparation of Cellulose-Derived Solid Acid Catalyst and Its Use for Production of Biodiesel from Waste Oils with High Acid Value. First, free fatty acid (FFA) of the WCO with an acid value of 66.40 +/- 1.08 mg KOH/g was esterified with methanol catalyzed by polyferric sulfate (PFS). In addition, the capacity of porous supports for WO(x) synthesized catalysts, based on FAME yield was in the following order: Al(2)O(3) > SiO(2) > SnO(2) > ZnO. Disposal of waste palm cooking oil (WPCO) via an environmental-friendly route is of major importance in the quest for sustainable development. Further, it was evident from BET that the shells calcined in temperature range 800-900 degrees C was exhibited enhance surface area than uncalcined shells. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The distillation curve of the CRBME is almost straight line and an end point temperature of 345 degrees C was obtained during the distillation of CRBME which is less than the maximum limit prescribed in the ASTM standard. This enhanced productivity resulted in more than 95 % removal of both nitrogen and phosphorous. biodiesel from animal fat pdf - 159720-727, Hamze, H.; Akia, M.; Yazdani, F. 2015. Two high rate algal ponds were evaluated: a pond that received domestic sewage without disinfection and the other receiving domestic sewage previously disinfected by UV radiation (uvHRAP). Life Cycle Analysis of Greenhouse Gas and PM2.5 Emissions from Restaurant Waste Oil Used for Biodiesel Production in China. The raw material was pretreated to separate it into two potential feedstocks, starch residues and palm oil, for conversion to bioethanol and biodiesel, respectively. 109131-139, Ramirez, X. M. V.; Mejia, G. M. H.; Lopez, K. V. P.; Vasquez, G. R.; Sepulveda, J. M. M. 2012. It is possible to recycle the diatomite-KOH catalyst up to three times. The process variables including the alkaline catalyst concentration, methanol to oil molar ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time, and the alkaline catalyst type were investigated. 2016. After screening, two Scenedesmus strains out of the 13 microalgae isolates demonstrated superiority in growth rate, lipid productivity, and sedimentation properties, and therefore were selected for further scale-up outdoor cultivation. Both conventional solvents extracts contained only around 10% of unsaturated fats, whereas supercritical CO2 extract contained more than 40% of unsaturated fatty acids. The reactions in UCO were carried out using a jacketed batch reactor with a reflux condenser. 18190-96, Devi, B. L. A. P.; Reddy, T. V. K.; Lakshmi, K. V.; Prasad, R. B. N. 2014. Energy Conversion and Management. The mean monthly pond biomass and lipid productivities varied between 2.0 +/- 0.3 and 11.1 +/- 2.5 g VSS/m(2)/d, and between 0.5 +/- 0.1 and 2.6 +/- 1.1 g/m(2)/d, respectively. Process and techno-economic analysis of green diesel production from waste vegetable oil and the comparison with ester type biodiesel production. The highest specific biomass (24.1 x 10-9 g L-1 cell(-1) h(-1)), lipid yield (9.9 x 10(-9) g L-1 cell(-1) h(-1)), and lipid content (8.54 x 10(-3) g lipid g(-1) biomass h(-1)) were achieved on the 2nd day of cultivation. The liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method was developed to monitor the mono-, di- and triglyceride concentrations and it was found that the method was sensitive enough to separate isomers, including diglyceride isomers. The preliminary dilution of OMW enhanced the reduction of polluting components of OMW, leading to a complete TOC removal, as well as to lower levels of residual phenols. In the first step, esterification of FFAs content in cooking oil was conducted using the self-made solid acid catalyst, which has similar catalytic ability to that of sulfuric acid, and is also much easier for separation. Furthermore, the catalyst was used up to three times without deactivation. 4(96) 54109-54114, Vajpeyi, S. M.; Chandran, K. 2014. Three types of organic wastes (sewage sludge, fruit waste and palm decanter cake from oil palm mill) were selected based on considerable generation and disposal concern in the area of study as well as lack of investigations as feed for Hermetia illucens larvae in current literatures. The manufacture of biodiesel generates 10 wt% of glycerol as a byproduct. To further enhance the overall process efficiency, reactive distillation is favourable for the pretreatment. In this research, transesterification of the waste cooking oil has been studied. FTIR spectra of glycerin's showed some features belonging to matter organic non glycerin and methanol. In this study, Simarouba Glauca (simarouba), Madhuca Indica (mahua), and waste cooking oils were used to produce their methyl esters. The observed date was then optimized with the help of Design of Experiments software. Oils with high content of free fatty acid (FFA) can be treated by acid esterification where an alcohol reacts with the given oil in the presence of acid catalyst. During non-sterilized fed-batch process, 176 g/L of raw glycerol were converted to 66.3 g/L of PD, suggesting the potentiality of the non-sterile fermentation by C. freundii FMCC-B 294. For heterotrophic microorganisms, the energy balance depends on the type of carbon source. For this purpose, Tetraselmis suecica was cultivated in flasks and fermenters using diluted food-waste recycling wastewater (FRW). Resources Conservation and Recycling. Lab-Scale Catalytic Production of Biodiesel From Waste Cooking Oil - A Blends [20 and 50% (v/v)] of biodiesel with diesel reference fuel were tested too. A quadratic polynomial equation was obtained to correlate biodiesel yield to the transesterification variables. Inconsequence, the produced biodiesel can be used as a diesel fuel substitute from the point of view of their characteristics similarity. Most importantly, the catalytic activity of the solid acid was found to outperform homogeneous case when equivalent amount of H2SO4 under similar conditions was applied. Utilization of waste shells as a source of CaO not only gives an opportunity to use it as catalyst but also adds value to the waste generated. Transportation Science. Characterization results revealed that the main component of the shell is calcium carbonate which transformed into calcium oxide when activated above 700 degrees C for 2 h. Parametric studies have been investigated and optimal conditions were found to be methanol/oil mass ratio, 0.5:1; catalyst amount, 5 wt.%; reaction temperature, 65 degrees C; and a stirring rate of 500 rpm. The results show that the FPC-NAC has higher catalytic activity than FPC-HT under optimized reaction conditions. From the results it was demonstrated that the active phase for biodiesel production was calcium hydroxide. Catal Today 106:193196. The errors of predicted Ester yields are 5% and 14% in MDEA and RSM. LEUNG et al. The major hurdle in the commercialization of biodiesel is the high cost of feedstock. Helical Condenser 3. 109133-140, Lapuerta, M.; Herreros, J. M.; Lyons, L. L.; Garcia-Contreras, R.; Briceno, Y. (C) 2016 The Authors. Yield and quality of biodiesel is dependent on feedstock quality specially moisture and free fatty acid (FFA) content. 9(7) 685-701, Roschat, W.; Kacha, M.; Yoosuk, B.; Sudyoadsuk, T.; Promarak, V. 2012. Naturally, the specific growth rate of microalgae cultivated under blue wavelength was on average 10.8% higher than white wavelength. Trisodium citrate was isolated from the culture liquid filtrate by the addition of a small amount of NaOH, so that the pH of the filtrate increased to 7-8. Equipments and apparatus required for the laboratory scale production of biodiesel: 1. The highest biodiesel yield was obtained (49.5%) under conditions of 1: 1 volumetric oil-to-methanol weight ratio, 0.5% NaOH catalyst at 55 C reaction temperature and 250 rpm stirring speed. Post treatment analyses of wastewater via GC-MS and ICP-OES showed remarkable removal of major organic contaminants and trace metals respectively. The feasibility of biodiesel production by microalgae using industrial wastewater. Increasing the organic loading rate over 1.5 kg m(-3) d(-1) of chemical oxygen demand led to excessive accumulation of volatile fatty acids thereby making the pH drop to a value unfavorable for methanogenesis. The alkali-combined lipase significantly enhanced the FAME production rate from wABE, in spite of the presence of the plant pigments, and even when a lower amount of lipase was used as a catalyst. 2015. The biodiesel fuel product was analyzed, in addition to a performance comparison between diesel and biodiesel on a small compression ignition genset. Search Article Download Citation. Organic based metal compounds were synthesized by reacting abietic acid in the tall oil resinic acid with NiO and MgO compounds in order to improve the animal fat methyl ester characteristics. This study aims at carrying out lipase-catalyzed synthesis of fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) from various vegetable oils using lipase immobilized onto a novel microporous polymeric matrix (MPPM) as a low-cost biocatalyst. Low acid value (0.13+/-0.01 mg KOH/g) chicken oil was obtained by preparing chicken wastes with moderate heating and filtration processes that minimized damage to the lipids and thus facilitated subsequent reactions. A maximum yield of 92% was reported for calcined eggshells catalyst. Thermal Conversion of Mixed Wastes from Biodiesel Manufacturing for Production of Fuel Gas. However, the low lipid content in activated sludge has hindered the application of biodiesel production from excess sludge. High-yield biohydrogen production from biodiesel manufacturing waste by Thermotoga neapolitana. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Biodiesel is non-toxic, biodegradable, produced from renewable sources and contributes a minimal amount of net green house gases, such as CO(2), SO(2) and NO emissions to the atmosphere. CMC values were approximately 130 mg/L and 230-260 mg/L for rhamnolipids from crude and commercial glycerol fermentation, respectively, which were about 2-6 times lower than CMC values of synthetic surfactants. Results pointed out that the eight restaurant types found in the city produced 174 t of WCOF/year in the following proportion: 41 % formal restaurant, 24 % fast food, 8 % taquerias, 7 % antojitos, 6 % soup kitchens, 6 % bars, 4 % gorditas and 4 % roast chicken shops.