(ii) If a Party which makes extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty receives a request for extradition from another Party with which it has no extradition treaty, it may at its option consider this Convention as the legal basis for extradition in respect of the offences enumerated in paragraphs 1 and 2 (a) (ii) of this article. 2. A State which has made reservations may at any time by notification in writing withdraw all or part of its reservations. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 by , 1968, For sale by the Supt. The expenses of the Commission and the Board will be borne by the United Nations in such manner as shall be decided by the General Assembly. If the Board publishes in this report a decision taken under this article or any information relating thereto, it shall also publish therein the views of the Government concerned if the latter so requests. The Parties, recognizing the competence of the United Nations with respect to the international control of drugs, agree to entrust to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council, and to the International Narcotics Control Board, the functions respectively assigned to them under this Convention. Drug Law Reform in Latin America, Transnational Institute, TNI The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 could not ban the many newly discovered psychotropics, since its scope was limited to drugs with cannabis-, coca-, and opium-like effects. As of August i, 196I (the last day for such action2), . A Party that permits the cultivation of the opium poppy for the production of opium shall establish, if it has not already done so, and maintain, one or more government agencies (hereafter in this article referred to as the Agency) to carry out the functions required under this article. versttning med sammanhang av "the single convention on narcotic" i engelska-kinesiska frn Reverso Context: the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs signed at New York on 30 March 1961. The Parties shall furnish separately estimates (article 19) and statistical information (article 20) in respect of coca leaves for preparation of the flavouring agent, except to the extent that the same coca leaves are used for the extraction of alkaloids and the flavouring agent, and so explained in the estimates and statistical information. 2. 3. The IDCC are composed of 3 main treaties: UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961), amended in 1972. Whenever the prevailing conditions in the country or a territory of a Party render the prohibition of the cultivation of the opium poppy, the coca bush or the cannabis plant the most suitable measure, in its opinion, for protecting the public health and welfare and preventing the diversion of drugs into the illicit traffic, the Party concerned shall prohibit cultivation. (y) "Territory" means any part of a State which is treated as a separate entity for the application of the system of import certificates and export authorizations provided for in article 31. The Parties shall follow as closely as may be practicable the form of import certificate approved by the Commission. In addition to the reports mentioned in article 15, the Board shall, at such times as it shall determine but at least annually, issue such information on the estimates as in its opinion will facilitate the carrying out of this Convention. If the Government concerned decides to undertake this study, it may request the Board to make available the expertise and the services of one or more persons with the requisite competence to assist the officials of the Government in the proposed study. THE SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS, 1961 ADOLF LANDE The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, i96i,1 was opened for signa-ture on March 30, I96I. 5. The Board in establishing such estimates shall to the extent practicable do so in co-operation with the Government concerned. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 is an international treaty to prohibit production and supply of specific (nominally narcotic) drugs and of drugs with similar effects except under licence for specific purposes, such as medical treatment and research. The Convention was ratified almost 60 years ago by 180 states and it still determines todays national drug control legislations worldwide. This Convention drew into one comprehensive control regime all the earlier agreements, limited the use of coca leaves and cannabis to medical and scientific needs, and paved the way for the International. For 60 years (1961-2021), a United Nations convention regarding illicit drugs (the "1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs") has failed to control drugs and has severely aggravated many international crises. If a Party permits the cultivation of the coca bush, it shall apply thereto and to coca leaves the system of controls as provided in article 23 respecting the control of the opium poppy, but as regards paragraph 2 (d) of that article, the requirements imposed on the Agency therein referred to shall be only to take physical possession of the crops as soon as possible after the end of the harvest. The Parties shall prevent the accumulation, in the possession of drug manufacturers, of quantities of drugs and poppy straw in excess of those required for the normal conduct of business, having regard to the prevailing market conditions. The Single Convention limits 'exclusively to medical and scientific purposes the production, manufacture, export, import, distribution of, trade in, use and possession of drugs' (art. Share: YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS* 1. However, many other non-medicine-related uses of these same products, substances, plants and fungi exist. 2. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 5 need not apply to the retail trade in or retail distribution of drugs in Schedule II. The reports shall be communicated to the Parties and subsequently published by the Secretary-General. If in any case a decision of the Board which is published under this article is not unanimous, the views of the minority shall be stated. 15. The Parties shall require that the manufacture of drugs be under licence except where such manufacture is carried out by a State enterprise or State enterprises. The Parties which are not Members of the United Nations shall contribute to these expenses such amounts as the General Assembly finds equitable and assess from time to time after consultation with the Governments of these Parties. Extradition shall be subject to the other conditions provided by the law of the requested Party. EIHA does not directly engage in the international arena, yet because of the interdependence of policies and the challenges faced, EIHA has been supporting the work of Michael Krawitz and Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli of the DRCNet Foundation Inc. (independent researchers and policy advocates, with permanent observer status to the United Nations) focused on accompanying the WHO review process and the changes in the scope of IDCC-controls implied. The classification of cannabis in the 1961 and 1971 Conventions was outdated and . (a) That all persons who obtain licences as provided in accordance with this Convention, or who have managerial or supervisory positions in a State enterprise established in accordance with this Convention, shall have adequate qualifications for the effective and faithful execution of the provisions of such laws and regulations as are enacted in pursuance thereof; and. 1. The modalities of this study and the time-limit within which the study has to be completed shall be determined by consultation between the Government and the Board. But attention centered on a key recommendation to remove cannabis from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs where it was listed alongside dangerous and highly addictive . UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988) reinforces the previous two, in particular on the law-enforcement aspect. 1. (a) The statistical returns in respect of the matters referred to in paragraph 1, except subparagraph (d), shall be prepared annually and shall be furnished to the Board not later than 30 June following the year to which they relate. 5. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 2, a Party that during ten years immediately prior to 1 January 1961 exported opium which such country produced may continue to export opium which it produces. The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs gave birth to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of international drug control . A State which desires to become a Party but wishes to be authorized to make reservations other than those made in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article or with article 49 may inform the Secretary-General of such intention. 2. (b) If the Party fails to comply within this period with the request of the Board or the Secretary-General, the reservation in question made under paragraph 1 shall cease to be effective. 1. Any Party may propose an amendment to this Convention. 1. 3. As noted below, its major effects included updating the Paris Convention of 13 July 1931 to include the vast number of synthetic . Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind. The Parties shall inform the Board of the method used for determining quantities shown in the estimates and of any changes in the said method. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961. (b) After taking action under subparagraph (a) above, the Board, if satisfied that it is necessary to do so, may call upon the Government concerned to adopt such remedial measures as shall seem under the circumstances to be necessary for the execution of the provisions of this Convention. (a) If, on the basis of its examination of information submitted by Governments to the Board under the provisions of this Convention, or of information communicated by United Nations organs or by specialized agencies or, provided that they are approved by the Commission on the Board's recommendation, by either other intergovernmental organizations or international non-governmental organizations which have direct competence in the subject matter and which are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council under Article 71 of the Charter of the United Nations or which enjoy a similar status by special agreement with the Council, the Board has objective reasons to believe that the aims of this Convention are being seriously endangered by reason of the failure of any Party, country or territory to carry out the provisions of this Convention, the Board shall have the right to propose to the Government concerned the opening of consultations or to request it to furnish explanations. There are two forms of intervention and control that work together. The first of these treaties, the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs was adopted at a UN Conference In March. 4. Drugs carried by ships or aircraft in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be subject to the laws, regulations, permits and licences of the country of registry, without prejudice to any rights of the competent local authorities to. 1. If the situation is not satisfactorily resolved, the Board may utilize the provisions of article 14 where appropriate. (c) Each licence shall specify the extent of the land on which the cultivation is permitted. (f) The use of cannabis for other than medical and scientific purposes must be discontinued as soon as possible but in any case within twenty-five years from the coming into force of this Convention as provided in paragraph 1 of article 41. Off. However, these should remain in the list of Schedule 1 controlled . (iii) Export; but does not include the amounts of drugs held in the country or territory, (iv) By retail pharmacists or other authorized retail distributors and by institutions or qualified persons in the duly authorized exercise of therapeutic or scientific functions, or. versttning Context Stavningskontroll Synonymer Bjning. In such case the Party shall endeavour to secure the needed consent of the territory within the shortest period possible, and when that consent is obtained the Party shall notify the Secretary-General. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the reference point on drugs and drug addiction information in Europe. This Convention aims to combat drug abuse by coordinated international action. (g) The production and manufacture of and trade in the drugs referred to in paragraph 1 for any of the uses mentioned therein must be reduced and finally abolished simultaneously with the reduction and abolition of such uses. 1. 7. Download the Common Position of the Industrial Hemp Sector on the Single Convention and the International Drug Control System here. The Board shall elect its own President and such other officers as it may consider necessary and shall adopt its rules of procedure. 5. (iii) Parties which do not make extradition conditional on the existence of a treaty shall recognize the offences enumerated in paragraphs 1 and 2 (a) (ii) of this article as extraditable offences between themselves, subject to the conditions provided by the law of the requested Party. Except as to measures of control which are limited to specified drugs, the drugs in Schedule I are subject to all measures of control applicable to drugs under this Convention and in particular to those prescribed in article 4 (c), 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 37. The Parties shall exercise in free ports and zones the same supervision and control as in other parts of their territories, provided, however, that they may apply more drastic measures. relating to Drug Trafficking and Security. (g) Ascertainable area of cultivation of the opium poppy. The exterior wrapping of the package in which such drug is contained shall not bear a double red band. Where counterfoil books (article 30, paragraph 2 (b)) of official prescriptions are used, such books including the counterfoils shall also be kept for a period of not less than two years. The packing may not be altered without the permission of the competent authorities. (d) If the Boards finds that the Government concerned has failed to give satisfactory explanations when called upon to do so under subparagraph (a) above, or has failed to adopt any remedial measures which it has been called upon to take under subparagraph (b) above, or that there is a serious situation that needs co-operative action at the international level with a view to remedying , it may call the attention of the Parties, the Council and the Commission to the matter. 1. Since 2016, the World Health Organization has been mandated to assess and update the placement of Cannabis within the IDCC. (g) "Commission" means the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Council. The requirement of licensing need not apply to preparations. If, however, a proposed amendment is rejected by any Party, the Council may decide, in the light of comments received from Parties, whether a conference shall be called to consider such amendment. Yet, they can affect hemp-related policies, in particular, because of legal uncertainties and grey zones due to the poor level of definition of Cannabis by the IDCC. (a) Control all persons and enterprises carrying on or engaged in the manufacture of drugs; (b) Control under licence the establishments and premises in which such manufacture may take place; and. Members of the Board shall be persons who, by their competence, impartiality and disinterestedness, will command general confidence. 336 No reservations other than those made in accordance with article 49 or with the following paragraphs shall be permitted. 2. No estimation was made. 5. The framework for the international control of narcotic drugs is established by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961 Conscious of their duty to prevent and combat this evil. The opium poppy, the coca bush, the cannabis plant, poppy straw and cannabis leaves are subject to the control measures prescribed in article 19, paragraph 1, subparagraph (e), article 20, paragraph 1, subparagraph (g), article 21 bis and in articles 22 to 24; 22, 26 and 27; 22 and 28; 25; and 28, respectively. 6. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs In 1961, in an effort to incorporate the discovery and growing use of synthetic opioids such as methadone, as well as cannabis and drugs with similar effects that were not a part of previous treaties, the U.N. developed the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The Government shall communicate to the Board the results of the study and shall indicate the remedial measures that it considers necessary to take. A Party may at the time of signature, ratification or accession reserve the right to permit temporarily in any one of its territories: (d) The use of cannabis, cannabis resin, extracts and tinctures of cannabis for non-medical purposes; and. When the United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, meeting at United Nations Headquarters from January 24 to March 25, 1961, adopted the new Convention on March 25, 1961, it completed a work which had occupied international organs since 1948. Print. 3. (iii) A Party that has received the approval of the Council as provided in subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2. Specific exemption by purpose for the Cannabis plant. 2. The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 was adopted . This Convention is subject to ratification. (b) The statistical returns in respect to the matters referred to in subparagraph (d) of paragraph 1 shall be prepared quarterly and shall be furnished to the Board within one month after the end of the quarter to which they relate. HTML source below was taken from Wiki Source (https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Single_Convention_on_Narcotic_Drugs), Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 on website of International Narcotics Board (INCB). (t) "Production" means the separation of opium, coca leaves, cannabis and cannabis resin from the plants from which they are obtained. 3. (d) The quasi-medical use of opium must be abolished within 15 years from the coming into force of this Convention as provided in paragraph 1 of article 41. (c) Require that licensed manufacturers of drugs obtain periodical permits specifying the kinds and amounts of drugs which they shall be entitled to manufacture.