Jon Snow was raised as Ned Stark's illegitimate son and serves as the point of view character in 42 chapters throughout A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, and A Dance with Dragons. A Game of Thrones As Myrcella and Trystane are wandering the Water Gardens, Myrcella questions Trystane as to if he truly loves her or is only indifferent towards their arranged pairing. There they learn the Night King has breached Westeros. Trystane has stayed at Sunspear after a tearful parting from her. Wyman's heir Wylis is captured when Roose Bolton treacherously sends a large Northern force to be wiped out by Randyll Tarly. Bowen Marsh is the First Steward of the Night's Watch, based at Castle Black. Renly is mostly a background character in the novels.[9]. Daenerys's stillborn son Rhaego and her dragon Rhaegal are named after Rhaegar. Unwilling to abandon the slaves she freed, Daenerys decides to remain in Meereen as she fears they will return to bondage. Bran Stark is later elected king; he exiles Jon back to the Night's Watch to appease Daenerys's supporters. This leads to a mutiny, resulting in his and Mormont's deaths.[75]. Afterwards, she becomes a trusted confidante and handmaiden to Daenerys. [37][38] During the trial accusing Tyrion for the murdering Joffrey, Shae gives evidence testimony against him, flaunting their relationship to the court, in exchange for being wed to a knight. He helps foil Arianne Martell's plot to name Myrcella Baratheon the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, killing Arys Oakheart in the process. To rally the northern houses to his side, Stannis intends to attack House Bolton's castle The Dreadfort with the help of Arnolf Karstark, castellan of Karhold. Stannis accepts Jon's counsel and defeats the Ironborn holding Deepwood Motte and taking Asha Greyjoy captive. Together, they begin restoring order to the Seven Kingdoms. Afterwards, he remains at Castle Black to negotiate settlement over the Wildling prisoners and offers to legitimise Eddard Stark's bastard son Jon Snow as the new lord of Winterfell if Jon swears loyalty to him and joins the fight against House Bolton. There, she unsuccessfully appeals to the rulers of the city for aid in reclaiming the Iron Throne. The individual "Brothers of the Watch" (called "Crows" by the Wildlings)[65][66] reject land and titles, practice celibacy, cut ties to their families, assume neutrality in politics, and never desert their assignments,[67][68] on pain of death. [52] St. James complimented Clarke's expression of "calm rapture" during Kahl Drogo's speech. Ser Loras Tyrell, also known as the Knight of Flowers,[3] is a knight from House Tyrell and the third son of Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden and his wife, Lady Alerie Hightower. Sansa Stark is the second child and elder daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. He begins training Bran Stark in clairvoyance. He then attacks King's Landing by sailing up Blackwater Bay. Fifteen years before the events of the series, Rhaegar was killed in battle during Robert's rebellion. By A Feast for Crows, she is dissatisfied with her father, believing him to be weak. She is saved by Arstan Whitebeard, who has been sent by Illyrio Morpatis, along with the eunuch ex-gladiator called Strong Belwas and three ships to take Daenerys back to Pentos. Jaime brings Myrcella's body back to King's Landing. Title(s) Princess [41], Daenerys faces a new threat to her rule in the form of the Sons of the Harpy, a resistance movement made of agitated former masters. Later, Daenerys and Jon's bond grows when they ride her dragons. Despair! When Winterfell is sacked and burnt, Hodor escapes north with Bran, Jojen, Meera, Rickon and Osha. He is described as a prematurely old and tedious man who lacks in political savvy and is thought to serve as the figurehead to his mother, Olenna. It is also revealed that Euron had repeatedly molested Aeron in their youth, leading to Aeron's hatred of Euron. [93] She said that "yes, Daenerys has used fire and her dragons to enact vengeance and punishment before, but up until season 7, everyone she burned was either evil or an enemy". "[96] Alan Sepinwall of Rolling Stone believes that Daenerys's descent into madness is a development that requires "at least another half of a regular-length GoT season to feel earned". Littlefinger later makes him the hereditary Lord of the Gates of the Moon to keep him loyal, signing the paper declaring this so Nestor holding the Gates depends on Baelish' power. Wyman Manderly is the Lord of White Harbor, the only city in the North, and the wealthiest of the Stark vassals. Tyene Sand has a plan that involves Myrcella: according to Dornish law she is Joffrey's rightful heir, because in Dorne it is the eldest living child, not the eldest living son, that inherits. Daario is won over by Daenerys and brings the Stormcrows over to her side. In two of pre-released chapters from the yet unfinished The Winds of Winter, the fifth Sand Snake, Elia Sand, nicknamed "Lady Lance", accompanies her cousin, Princess Arianne Martell, on the diplomatic journey to meet with Jon Connington and the allegedly survived Aegon Targaryen. Daenerys is received by Yunkai's freed slaves, who hail her as their "mhysa" (mother). They first appear in A Clash of Kings, when their father sends them in his place, to attend the harvest festival and renew House Reed's pledge to House Stark and support the children of the late Eddard Stark. Stannis declares himself the one true King; however, most of the Baratheon bannermen support the claim of his younger and more charismatic brother Renly, as does the powerful House Tyrell due to Renly's marriage to Margaery Tyrell. He harbors deep resentment at House Stark for this fate. Rodrik Harlaw is the Lord of Harlaw, the most populated of the Iron Islands. [64] Liz Shannon Miller of IndieWire praised Daenerys's return to the Dothraki in the sixth season, calling it a "nice return to basics". From the moment she gave birth to Joffrey, Cersei dreamed about the great king he would grow into, and how as Jaime's secret son he would be her ultimate revenge on Robert: the births of her two subsequent children were barely an anecdote in the narrative of this mental fantasy which already been established in her mind years before. Varamyr is stabbed by a boy when he attempts to take a squirrel-skin cloak off the dead body of the boy's mother. In A Feast for Crows, Jon Snow sends him to the Citadel by sea, but Maester Aemon catches a fever during a storm and dies on the voyage between Braavos and Oldtown. She serves as the third-person narrator of twelve chapters in A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. Doran later informs the Sand Snakes and Arianne Martell of Balon's involvement in a plan by Cersei to kill Trystane Martell and frame Tyrion. Drogo responds by killing Viserys with molten gold. Ellaria, taking her vengeance, kisses her after coating a fatal poison on her lips, thus sealing the young girl's fate. In the chaos Ramsay Bolton and his men infiltrate Stannis's camp, and destroy all supplies and horses. At the end of A Storm of Swords, they travel beyond the Wall and Jojen becomes very weak. Ser Barristan Selmy, called Barristan the Bold, is hailed as a hero throughout Westeros and is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. [88][89][90] Most critics found the villainous turn, realized after Daenerys needlessly murdered thousands of innocents by burning down King's Landing, rushed and therefore unearned. Gendry is one of Robert Baratheon's many bastard children. Bastards born in Dorne are generally given the surname "Sand". Sansa isn't sure how to react but Cersei presses her to respond. Season(s) Sam's lack of martial abilities and his interest in scholarly pursuits convinces his father that he is an unworthy heir and he is forced to join the Night's Watch. Stannis' sudden arrival at the Wall catches Mance Rayder, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, by surprise, and his cavalry routs the whole Wildling host with few casualties. He has a red birthmark on his left cheek, said to be in the shape of a raven, and thus the source of his nickname "Bloodraven". [74][75], Daenerys's victories over ruthless male characters transformed her into a symbol of feminism. [17][19] Hoping to win the Dothraki's favor to conquer Westeros, Viserys arranges for Daenerys to wed Khal Drogo to form an alliance with them. Though Robert continues to vilify Rhaegar throughout A Game of Thrones, many other characters express admiration for him. Allegiance Rogar Baratheon was the Lord of Storm's End and head of House Baratheon during the reigns of kings Maegor I Targaryen and Jaehaerys I Targaryen. He is an albino, with white skin, long white hair, and red eyes. He becomes romantically involved with her, eventually becoming one of her advisors. "[58] Despite many commentators saying the fourth season was one of the best of the series,[59] some reviews criticized Daenerys's "stalled" plotline. 288 AC in King's Landing Lyanna and her father Lord Rickard Stark with Robert Baratheon. The house motto is Ours is the Fury. After Robert dies, Renly declares himself King of the Seven Kingdoms in A Clash of Kings, wins the support of the Baratheon bannermen as he is their Lord Paramount, and seals an alliance with House Tyrell by marrying Margaery Tyrell. A pregnant Daenerys loses her husband and child, but soon helps to hatch three dragons from their eggs. Both men are among Martin's most prominent LGBTQ characters, although Renly and Loras' adapted relationship and the show's portrayal of the latter has received mixed criticism. Gilbert said: "Clarke doesn't have a lot of emotional variety to work with as Daenerys, aside from fierce determination, and yet she is riveting. When Theon taunts Stannis for not taking Ramsay seriously enough, Stannis confidently reveals that he already has a battle plan to utilize the terrain against the incoming Frey army. The linked page contains all possible family trees and the information they are based on. When the mission is successful, Barristan asks to be forgiven for his deception, but Jorah refuses to ask forgiveness so Daenerys banishes him. Selyse has a cold relationship with her husband. Died Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Robert is the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon.He is a close friend to Ned Stark, Myrcella walks through the Water Gardens with her betrothed Trystane Martell, whom she has fallen in love with, while being watched by Ellaria Sand and Prince Doran Martell. Having grown a little older, Myrcella appears to be looking forward to Sansa and Joffrey's wedding, partly due to the dress she will be wearing, though she makes a point to mention the nicer dress Sansa will wear as the bride. Melisandre and Selyse tell Stannis to sacrifice Edric, claiming his king's blood will enable them to raise a dragon. Edmure is taken to Casterly Rock, where he and the remaining members of House Tully are to spend the rest of their lives as prisoners to House Lannister. After Robb's departure for the Twins, Jeyne remains in Riverrun and does not witness the massacre. When Aegon IV died, Daemon I Blackfyre contested Daeron II Targaryen's right to the Iron Throne. Myrcella with Trystane in the Water Gardens. She has no idea who is Darkstar and why he intended to harm Myrcella. When the former rulers of the Reach, House Gardener, were killed in battle against House Targaryen, the Targaryens raised the Tyrells from stewards of Highgarden to Lords of Highgarden. Its coat of arms displays a gold spear piercing a red sun on an orange field, and its words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. In A Clash of Kings he disguises Arya as a boy recruit to smuggle her to Winterfell, but is killed by Lannister soldiers. She becomes the heir of the Targaryen dynasty after her brother's murder and plans to reclaim the Iron Throne herself, seeing it as her birthright. However, Alys (pursued by Cregan) flees to the Wall seeking Jon Snow's help and reveals her uncles' plans. Stannis' most prominent characteristics are his flinty and austere demeanor, unrelenting stubbornness, and powerful sense of duty and justice, the latter of which he is notorious for throughout Westeros. Stannis is frequently described as a large and sinewy man that towers over others, such as Davos Seaworth and Jon Snow, a Baratheon trait. Lyanna's other older brother Eddard, her betrothed Robert Baratheon, their foster father Jon Arryn and Brandon's father-in-law-to-be Hoster Tully then started a rebellion against Aerys, with Robert personally killing Rhaegar in single combat at the Battle of the Trident, and ultimately overthrowing House Targaryen. Luckily, her horse recoils, otherwise she would have lost her head. Tyrion firmly says that he is indeed concerned for Myrcella's safety: she is a sweet, innocent girl, and "I don't blame her at all for you".[9]. Daenerys is afraid of her new husband initially, but after learning the Dothraki language, she begins to bond with Drogo and genuinely falls in love with him. Wyman's younger son Wendel is murdered at the Red Wedding by the Freys. [9][10] When Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell, Osha chooses to protect Bran and Rickon over her freedom. [11][A] She is slender and pale, although taller than some of her female ancestors. Catelyn Stark tries to convince Renly and Stannis to put aside their differences and unite against the Lannisters but it fails as both brothers refuse to give up their claim for the throne. She meets Robb Stark when he is wounded, and falls in love with him during his convalescence. However, like her brothers, her real father is Jaime Lannister, making her a bastard born out of incest. Stannis Baratheon is played by Stephen Dillane in the television adaption of the series of books.[18]. After learning of the attempted murder of Princess Myrcella, Balon leaves to chase Darkstar, the man who made the attempt on Myrcella's life. Mirri deceives Daenerys by using her unborn son's life as a sacrifice to heal Drogo but leaves him in a permanent catatonic state, forcing Daenerys to end her husband's life. Daenerys vows to Jon that she will help fight the Night King, and Jon pledges allegiance to her as his queen. He is rescued by his nephew Robb Stark, and upon hearing of Eddard Stark's death he leads the Riverland lords in proclaiming Robb the King in the North. The older sister, Meera, is sixteen years old when introduced in A Clash of Kings. Upon Joffrey's succession, Ser Barristan is sent into retirement, which he sees as a disgrace. House Greyjoy is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms and is the principal noble house on the Iron Islands, home to the Ironborn. Although she cannot find Drogon, she has Rhaegal and Viserion locked up in Meereen's catacombs. Once Joffrey becomes King and has Ned executed, Renly challenges his alleged nephew's claim to the throne. [81] During a parlay with Jon, Stannis Baratheon and his army rout the wildlings, and Mance is taken prisoner. Samwell Tarly, called 'Sam', is the elder son of Lord Randyll Tarly of Horn Hill. The older four however were born to different women: Obara from an Oldtown prostitute; Nymeria (also known as Lady Nym) from a noblewoman in Volantis; Tyene from a septa serving the Faith of the Seven; and Sarella from the female captain of the Summer Isles trading ship Feathered Kiss. In A Dance with Dragons, Varys claims to have switched Aegon with another, lowborn infant (known as the "Pisswater prince") and smuggled Aegon out of King's Landing prior to the capital's fall. Princess Myrcella Baratheon is the second oldest child and only daughter of Queen Cersei Lannister. Against Cersei's continued protests, Tyrion insists that the plan has already been finalized, leaving Cersei fuming and in tears for her daughter.[8]. Lysa has become a paranoid and an unstable, mercurial woman.