Outline of the session: a) Introduction; b) Concepts and definitions; c) Statistical designs; d) Loss assessment at different stages; e) Example: Ghana. For example, governments around the world provide over USD 600 billion per year in subsidies to support their agricultural sectors. The training topics covered by the training material are the following: 1. Outline of this module:1. land cover, land use classification, remote sensing & use of geospatial information). Abstract: This course focuses on SDG Indicator 14.4.1 - Fish stocks sustainability: Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels. Choose Download Locations for SL custom night fnaf parody v2 It was published on 27 June 2018 on Steam and GameJolt S:Sorry for my English,i from Russia; P3FES +2 Persona 3 FES Created by Scott Cawthon, Five Nights At Freddy's Ultimate Custom Night is a new gamejolt indie horror game that features The Five Nights in Anime FNIA Girls. Definition of nomadism and semi-nomadism (transhumance); 2. The food loss index design, data collection methods and challenges, Methodological paper on SDG sub-indicator 12.3.1.a, Measuring inadequate employment in Kenya: Field test report for decent work within an agricultural context in developing countries, Pilot tests of an international definition of urban-rural territories. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics, this training material aims to provide basic knowledge and skills in agricultural statistics to data producers, in particular to statisticians with no or limited background in agriculture statistics, and to economists or agronomists with some basic knowledge in statistics. Abstract: This document reflects the latest reference metadata information available on SDG-indicator 15.2.1 "Progress towards sustainable forest management". Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), these Guidelines on Farm Typology propose a tool to be used to classify agricultural holdings by multiple dimensions, aiming at enhancing comprehension ofthe farm structures and production diversity both between and within countries, and at more efficient targeting in agricultural and rural policies and investments. Abstract: This paper presents new estimates of the extent of food consumption inequality in mainland China and discusses their implications for the estimated prevalence of undernourishment (PoU). Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this training material is designed for managers, statisticians, sampling experts, GIS specialists and professional staff from the National Statistical Offices and statistical units of the Ministries of Agriculture. Heading into the Earth Summit, the conflict between environmental protection policies and trade came to the fore in the 1991 Tuna-Dolphin dispute between Mexico and the US. They intend to illustrate or provide more guidance on certain implementation aspects of agricultural census as well as to learn from experience on how to overcome practical issues. You will also:reinforce your hands-on familiarity with the survey Computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) application for AGRIS;test the usability of the CAPI application for the Core module. One major goal was to have all member states recycle "25% of all packaging material"[53] and have accomplished the goal. *The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam. This fourth edition of the IISD Trade and Sustainability Review covers a range of timely policy issues related to trade and sustainable development in the lead-up to the WTO's 12th Ministerial Conference. Extended producer responsibility legislation is a driving force behind the adoption of remanufacturing initiatives because it "focuses on the end-of-use Classification of Forest Products - SITC Rev.2. ), economic-related statistics and frameworks (e.g. The training material can also be used to train trainers and experts involved in the delivery of capacity-building activities on the compilation of SUA and FBS using the revised methodology and newly developed tool and to introduce the concept and methodology of FBS to students of agricultural statistics and statisticians/data analysts not specialized in agricultural or food security statistics. Abstract: This publication is a revised and updated edition of Taking Agricultural Censuses (FAO, 1978). In response to the growing problem of excessive waste, several countries adopted waste management policies in which manufacturers are responsible for taking back their products from end users at the end of the products' useful life, or partially financing a collection and recycling infrastructure. The course is primarily intended for those who play a role in data collection, analysis and reporting for SDG Indicator 2.4.1, including agronomists, statisticians, enumerators and data analysts, as well as policy makers and people with an interest in the process. Abstract: This FAO Statistics working paper presents a new methodological approach aimed at measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture in countries and across agri-food systems typologies, by measuring socio-economic and environmental dimensions with available national statistics, with sixteen indicators defined and constructed from FAOSTAT data. At the end of this session, the audience will: a) Know how to build a roster; b) Know about nesting rosters; c) Know about html tags; and, d) Know about piping. This Handbook presents guidelines and recommendations for designing and implementing a statistical program on cost of production (CoP) in agriculture at the country level. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), the purpose of these Guidelines is to develop a tool named the Woodfuel Supplementary Module (WSM), to be incorporated in existing national household surveys. Introduction (Concepts and Definitions); 2. The presented methodology takes into account previous similar international efforts, particularly those led by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), Paris 21, and more recently, the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC), for building a standard framework to assess statistical systems capacity and data quality. Central Product Classification (CPC) version 2.1 expanded for agriculture, Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP), International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Revision 4, Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 2022 (HS 2022), Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG), Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women. In general, revision is made according to the request from the CWP participating organizations (i.e. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this material for in-classroom training on the use of CAPI for agricultural surveys targets decision makers, survey managers, questionnaire designers, trainers of field staff and data analysts. Abstract: This first issue of the publication presents data not only from the recent surveys but also, in a number of cases, from some undertaken as far back as the 1970's in order to provide some perspective of the changes over time. Abstract: This technical report provides findings of a field test conducted in identified districts / study area in Zambia on the basis of sampling methodology for estimation of harvest and post-harvest losses of animal products (meat and milk) developed by the team led by Dr. Tauqueer Ahmad, Head, Division of Sample Surveys, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR-IASRI), New Delhi, India. A second issue, contained in Item 3(b), looks at GATT Article XX, which lays out specific cases where WTO members may be exempted from GATT rules. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics, this training material on the revised Food Balance Sheet (FBS) methodology targets managers and technical staff of national statistical offices, ministries of agriculture and other institutions (in particular, those dealing with food safety issues) in charge of or involved in the compilation of supply and use tables and FBS. This paper is part ofFAO Statistics Working Paper Series. However, even after 20 years, WTO members have not concluded these negotiations. Abstract: Prepared by the Global Strategy to improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), this technical report presents different dimensions of employment and underemployment within agricultural households in three communities in Kenya. The classification is developed based on fish entangling mechanisms and gear structure used with a global emphasis on existing major fishing areas in the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Antarctic Oceans. It also discusses the scope of livestock statistics in the GS context. The training material can also be used to train trainers and experts involved in the delivery of capacity-building activities on the compilation of SUA and FBS using the revised methodology and newly developed tool and to introduce the concept and methodology of FBS to students of agricultural statistics and statisticians/data analysts not specialized in agricultural or food security statistics. Last updated: February 2021. flour made from wheat). COICOP is an integral part of the System of National Accounts (SNA), but it is also used in several other statistical areas, such as: household expenditure statistics based on household budget surveys and the analysis of living standards; consumer price indices; international comparisons of gross domestic product (GDP) and its component expenditures through purchasing power parities; and statistics relating to culture, sports, food, health, and tourism. Abstract: This report provides a summary and highlights from a technical meeting on Dietary Data Collection, Analysis and Use: Taking Stock of Country Experiences and Promising Practices in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, jointly convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Intake Center for Dietary Assessment, on December 1113, 2019 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. Part III: energy use in fertilizer manufacturing, food processing, packaging, retail and household consumption. The following topics will be covered: Economic accounts for agriculture and environmental-economic accounts (subnational and national level); Costs of production statistics; Post-harvest losses: types of post-harvest losses; methods of estimating post-harvest losses; loss estimation and magnitude; factors influencing post-harvest losses; impacts of post-harvest losses. The CPC classifies products based on the physical characteristics of goods or on the nature of the services rendered. The guidelines intend to assist countries in the assessment on water stress by contributing data on environmental flows (EF) which are necessary for the calculation ofSDG 6.4.2, indicator on water stress. Over 98 % of the merchandise in international trade is classified in terms of the HS. Is Extended Producer Responsibility Effective?. The webinar was recorded as part of a series on Water Accounting organized by the FAO Near East and North Africa Regional Office. The training therefore targets decision-makers in agriculture or fishery ministries and National Statistical Offices (NSOs), survey managers, trainers of field staff, data analysts, researchers, teaching staff and students at training centres of statistics and agriculture or fisheries.
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