9. (8) If the court grants an extension under subsection (6), the penalties set out in subsection (2) apply only if the candidate has not filed the document before the end of the extension. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.42 (1). A statement that if the person wishes to continue to be a candidate in the 2018 regular election, the person must notify the clerk under subsection (4) or (5), as applicable. 2016, c. 15, s. 60. (4)The disclaimer shall be made in writing and delivered to, (b) the applicant or his or her lawyer; and. fund-raising function means an event or activity, (a) held by a candidate or under a candidates direction for the purpose of raising funds for his or her election campaign, or, (b) held by a registered third party or under its direction for the purpose of raising funds in relation to third party advertisements; (activit de financement), local board means a local board as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act, including a police village; (conseil local), locality means territory without municipal organization that is deemed to be a district municipality under the Education Act; (localit), office means an office to which election is governed by this Act; (poste). (3) The Minister may make an order requiring the clerk of a local municipality to submit a question to the electors of his or her municipality. (3)Upon receiving an application under subsection(1) and upon payment by the applicant of the prescribed levy, the Registrar may issue a special purpose licence to the applicant either unconditionally or subject to any conditions that the Registrar thinks fit to impose. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.57 (2); 2002, c.17, Sched. Charges under this section are, under CPS guidance, reserved for crimes with very high intent which cause serious (potentially life-threatening harm) or showed malicious intent and caused really serious life-threatening or life-altering harm. 2016, c. 15, s. 36. In Northern Ireland, repeal of this section was consequential upon the codification of the law relating to sexual offences. 2018 AND 2022 REGULAR ELECTIONS - SPECIAL RULES, TRANSITIONAL MATTERS RELATING TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MODERNIZATION ACT, 2016, TRANSITIONAL ELECTION PROVISIONS - TOWN OF MIDLAND/TOWNSHIP OF TINY ANNEXATION, TRANSITIONAL MATTERS AFFECTING A REGULAR ELECTION AND ARISING OUT OF RESTRUCTURING, DEADLINE FOR PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY LIST - HAMILTON, TRANSITION - MUNICIPAL QUESTIONS FOR THE 2000 REGULAR ELECTION, TRANSITIONAL MATTERS - 2000 REGULAR ELECTION - WARD OFFICES, TRANSITIONAL MATTERS - 1997 REGULAR ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF TORONTO, TRANSITIONAL MATTERS AFFECTING THE 1997 REGULAR ELECTION AND ARISING OUT OF RESTRUCTURING. (4) A person shall not appoint a voting proxy for an election until the later of, (a) the time for the withdrawal of nominations under section 36 has expired for all offices for which the election is being conducted; and. 2016, c. 15, s. 14. 1. 2002, c.17, Sched. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.61 (1). 1996, c.32, Sched., s.83 (3). (4)If, by virtue of subsection(3), a person is guilty of an offence under a provision of this Act or its subsidiary legislation from which the person was exempted by an exemption, the person may be proceeded against for that offence. Independent Assessor of Military Complaints Procedures in Northern Ireland. different rates of rebate or the methods for determining the amount of the rebate for vehicles of different classes, categories or descriptions or vehicles used for different purposes. (4) The clerk shall forward each report prepared under subsection (2) to the compliance audit committee. Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 (c. 6). 4, s. 14 (1-4) - 01/01/2023. 2017, c. 10, Sched. (2) Subsections (3) to (9) do not apply to a nomination for the office of head of council. 2016, c. 15, s. 62. (2) A registered third party and, in the case of an individual, his or her spouse, may obtain a loan in relation to third party advertisements only from a bank or other recognized lending institution in Ontario, to be paid directly into the campaign account. 23. Section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997 creates the offence of assault, and section 3 of that Act creates the offence of assault causing harm. 2016, c. 15, s. 62. firstly, in payment of any licence fee which may be due in respect of the vehicle or trailer; secondly, in payment of expenses occasioned by the sale or disposal and any charges reasonably incurred in storing, detaining or otherwise carrying out the provisions of this section; and. 3. If the number of candidates declared elected is sufficient to fill the majority of positions on the board, section 38 applies. . The clerks specified in the regulations made under the Education Act are responsible for certain aspects of the elections of members of school boards, as set out in those regulations. Extra-territorial jurisdiction for other terrorist offences etc. (3B) Subsection (3A) does not limit subsections (2) and (3). 2 July 2018. (4) Section 45, except subsection (7), applies to the advance vote with necessary modifications. 10, s. 1. (a) in the case of an election for office, the number of votes for each candidate; (b) in the case of an election to obtain the assent of the electors to a by-law, the number of votes in favour of the by-law and the number opposed to it; and. 19. (b) return the endorsed application to the applicant or notify the applicant that the application has been approved and the voters list will be changed to reflect the approved application. (a) French, in addition to English, in prescribed forms; (b) French, other languages other than English, or both, in notices, forms (other than prescribed forms) and other information provided under this Act. Paragraphs 13 and 14 apply to a person who. 17. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.47 (3). Offences Against the Person Act (3) Before passing a by-law under clause 8 (1) (b) or (c), the clerk shall give at least 10 days notice of the intention to pass the by-law to the public and the Minister and hold at least one public meeting to consider the matter. (b) if an appeal is filed, it is finally disposed of. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.51 (1). 2016, c. 15, s. 60. (3) If the person was previously nominated for an office on the same council or local board in the same election and paid the nomination filing fee at that time, clause (2) (c) does not apply in connection with any subsequent campaign under paragraph 1 of subsection 88.24 (3). one scrutineer for each recount station established by the clerk. (10) The formula that is prescribed for the purposes of subsection (9) must be written so that the amount calculated under it varies based on the maximum amount determined under subsection (6). 21, s.8(8). the first registration of every vehicle under this Act; the registration under this Act of a deregistered vehicle; and. 4, s. 1. (8)Nothing in this section operates so as to render lawful the keeping of a vehicle for any period, in any manner or at any place, if to do so would be unlawful apart from this section. 12 (1) A clerk who is responsible for conducting an election may provide for any matter or procedure that, (a) is not otherwise provided for in an Act or regulation; and. 4, s. 8 (2). The phone number and email address provided by the candidate in the nomination filed under section 33. 65. (4) The by-law or resolution may provide for the payment of different amounts to different individuals on any basis. (4) Only the following persons and entities are eligible to file a notice of registration: 1. any offence under Part 2; (b) any offence under Chapter 16 of the Penal Code 1871; or (c) for the purpose of any other provision in this Act, a person who is 14 years of age or older but below 18 years of age. 47. Offences against the Person Act Z.3, s. 18 (1) - 01/01/2009. subsection(7)); or. (b) provide a copy of the procedures and forms to each candidate when his or her nomination is filed. The Offences against the Person Act 1861 (24 & 25 Vict c 100) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.It consolidated provisions related to offences against the person (an expression, which, in particular, includes offences of violence) from a number of earlier statutes into a single Act. An Act to amend the law about road traffic. constructed solely for the carriage of passengers and their effects; adapted to carry not more than 7passengers exclusive of the driver; and, fitted with tyres of the prescribed type; and. When dealing with an incident, disclosure or suspicion of child abuse, staff should ensure that the principal and school leadership team is made aware of the concern and are involved in providing ongoing appropriate support. (4) Subsections 88.33 (4) to (20) apply to a compliance audit under this section, with the following modifications: 1. Offences under the following provisions of the Offences against the Explosive Substances Act 1883 (c. 3) 8. believe that the child and/or family will act on the referral and be supportive of it. the Minister makes an order under subsection 266 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 or subsection 211 (1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 declaring all of the offices of the members to be vacant, v. a candidate for the office dies or becomes ineligible to hold the office under the circumstances described in clause 39 (b), or. 4, s. 4 (1)). 4, s. 3. (2) A fund-raising function for a candidate shall not be held outside the candidates election campaign period described in section 88.24. F, Table; 2006, c.32, Sched. 2016, c. 15, s. 61. Terrorist attacks abroad on UK nationals, residents and diplomatic staff etc : jurisdiction, 63D.Terrorist attacks or threats abroad in connection with UK diplomatic premises etc: jurisdiction, Counter-terrorism financial investigators, 63F.Counter-terrorism financial investigators. 2016, c. 15, s. 59. 2016, c. 15, s. 55 (3). 21, s.8(57). (2) A regulation made under clause (1) (a.1), (b), (b.1), (b.2), (f), (h), (j) or (k) may be general or particular in its application. (11) As soon as possible after April 30 in the year following a regular election or 75 days after voting day in a by-election, the clerk shall make available to the public on a website or in another electronic format a list of all registered third parties for the election along with an indication of whether each has filed a financial statement and auditors report under subsection (1). 5. must cancel a visa that has been granted to a person if: (a) the Minister is satisfied that the person does not pass the 2016, c. 15, s. 48. Act No. (b) September 20 in the year of the previous regular election, if the formula is being applied for the purposes of an election in any other year. Offences in relation to counter-terrorism financial investigators, Enforcement of orders in other parts of United Kingdom. Making or having gunpowder, &c., with intent to commit any felony against this Act. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.50 (1). (8) Subsection (6) does not apply in respect of expenses described in paragraphs 3 and 5 to 9 of subsection 88.19 (3). The cost of election campaign advertisements (within the meaning of section 88.3) or third party advertisements, as the case may be. (3)A by-election that would be required as a result of the order shall not be held until. Section 68 provides that indictable offences under the Act committed within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty are subject to the punishments to which they would be subject if they had been committed in England. 2002, c.18, Sched. 20. Text created by the government department responsible for the subject matter of the Act to explain what the Act sets out to achieve and to make the Act accessible to readers who are not legally qualified. (4) A person who receives more than half the votes shall fill the vacancy. 4, s. 8 (10). (9) The penalties set out in subsection (2) for a default described in clause (1) (a) do not take effect if, no later than 2 p.m. on the day that is 30 days after the applicable day for filing the document, the candidate files the relevant document as required under section 88.25 or 88.32 and pays the clerk a late filing fee of $500. to regulate the width, height, wheel base, length and overhang of vehicles and trailers and the load carried thereby, the diameter of wheels and the width, nature and condition of tyres of vehicles and trailers and to prohibit the use of any tyres likely to cause damage to the roads; to prohibit excessive noise due to the design or condition of the motor vehicle or trailer or the loading thereof; to regulate the maximum weight unladen of heavy locomotives and heavy motor cars and the maximum weight laden of motor vehicles and trailers and the maximum weight to be transmitted to the road or any specified area thereof by a motor vehicle or trailer of any class or description or by any part or parts of the vehicle or trailer in contact with the road and the conditions under which the weights may be required to be tested; to prescribe the particulars to be marked on vehicles and trailers; to specify the number and nature of springs and brakes on vehicles and trailers and to secure that springs, brakes, silencers and steering gear are efficient and kept in proper working order and for empowering any person or classes of persons named or described in those rules to test and inspect those springs, brakes, silencers and steering gear on a road or, subject to the consent of the occupier of the premises, on any premises; to regulate the appliances to be fitted. Criminal Law: Offences against Religion and Public Worship. 2016, c. 15, s. 49. (1) The Lord Chancellor may make rules. There is an allegation of reportable conduct where a person has a reasonable belief that there has been: a sexual offence, sexual misconduct or physical violence committed against, with or in the presence of a child; behaviour causing significant emotional or psychological harm to a child; significant neglect of a child or 2020, c. 23, Sched. 1996, c.32, Sched., s.84 (3). constituted by the conduct; or. 4, s. 14 (1). (1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council make provision Part IV Insolvency: United Kingdom Provisions. (b) recalculating the result of the election using the determinations made under clause (a) and the certified results referred to in clause (5) (b). 2016, c. 15, s. 62. (1.1) A notice of registration may be filed. to regulate the registration and licensing of a replacement vehicle, and to deem the date of registration of the replacement vehicle to be the same as that of the vehicle which it replaced for any of the purposes of this Act. (1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, a Scottish, Enforcement of orders made in designated countries. (b) the person is serving a sentence of imprisonment, on a full-time basis in a custodial institution, for an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory. (10) If the recount indicates that two or more candidates who cannot both or all be declared elected to an office have received the same number of votes, the clerk shall choose the successful candidate or candidates by lot. (2) If additional nominations have been filed under subsection 33 (5) and if, at 4 p.m. on the Thursday following nomination day, the number of certified candidates still does not exceed the remaining number of vacancies, the clerk shall immediately declare the additional candidate or candidates elected by acclamation. (2) A fund-raising function relating to third party advertisements shall not be held for a registered third party outside the campaign period described in section 88.28 for the registered third party in relation to an election in the municipality. Note: On January 1, 2023, the day named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor, subsection 19 (3.3) of the Act is repealed. F, s. 6 (7) - 22/12/1999, 2009, c. 33, Sched. 4, s. 4 (1). 88.5 (1) No registered third party shall cause a third party advertisement to appear during the restricted period unless the advertisement contains the following information: 1. 2016, c. 15, s. 64. or. A trade union that holds bargaining rights for employees in Ontario. 2021, c. 5, Sched. Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously by any means whatsoever wound or cause any grievous bodily harm to any person, . D, s. 1-35; 2002, c. 17, Sched. F, Table. 22. 21, s.8(20). Access essential accompanying documents and information for this legislation item from this tab. (b) the election was conducted in accordance with the principles of this Act. 18 X1Shooting or attempting to shoot, or wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm. 7. C, s.34(5). 1989/1341 (N.I. 2018, c. 11, Sched. 2002, c. 17, Sched. 90 of 2000 has been appended to this Act as an Appendix. 96 (1) The Minister may, by regulation, provide for transitional matters that affect an election and arise out of the restructuring of a municipality or local board. (b) it consists only of damage, or threatened damage, to property 1996, c.32, Sched., s.48 (2). (4)Any manufacturer or dealer of vehicles who causes any notice to be given under subsection(1) or (2) in connection with any safetyrelated defect in any vehicle manufactured or sold by the manufacturer or dealer must, within a period of one month from the date on which the notice is given; and. (2)Any person who has in his or her possession or comes into possession of, or uses, a motor vehicle in respect of which a licence issued under the provisions of any law of any country relating to motor vehicles is in force must inform the Registrar, within the prescribed period, if he or she is a resident of Singapore or takes up residence in Singapore. 2002, c.17, Sched. Ill-treatment or neglect, contrary to section 44 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) It is an offence for a person to ill-treat or neglect a person who lacks mental capacity. F, s.6(7); 2000, c.5, s.39 (4). or more; or, (d) the person has been sentenced to 2 or more terms of imprisonment, 1996, c.32, Sched., s.8(2). (2)The clerk shall provide electors, candidates and persons who are eligible to be electors with information to enable them to exercise their rights under this Act. A reference to a candidate shall be read as a reference to the registered third party. 35AA Court to order forfeiture of vehicle for person driving motor vehicle without driving licence, 35A Power of Deputy Commissioner of Police to revoke driving licence, 35B Licensee may make representations against revocation of driving licence, 36 Prescribed test of competence to drive for grant of driving licence, 37 Provisions as to physical fitness of applicants for driving licences, 38 Recognition of foreign driving licences and driving permits, 40 Possession of driving licence belonging to another person, 42A Disqualification for failing to attend court, 43 Provisions as to disqualifications and suspensions, 44 Recording of particulars of convictions or disqualifications by Deputy Commissioner of Police, 45 Power of Deputy Commissioner of Police to suspend driving licence, 46 Licensee may make representations against suspension of driving licence, 47 Surrender and return of driving licence, 47A Effect of suspension of licence by Deputy Commissioner of Police, 47B Disqualification or suspension to continue in certain circumstances, 47C Immediate suspension of driving licence in certain circumstances, 47E Penalties for offences under sections47(5) and 47C(7), 47F Prohibition order against holders of foreign driving licences, 47G Unauthorised riding of testneededtorideonroad vehicle, 47H Grant of competency test certificate for roadonly PAB, 47I Validity of competency test certificate for roadonly PAB, 47J Unlawful use of competency test certificate for roadonly PAB, 47K Allowing untested rider, etc., on road, 47L Production of competency test certificate, 47M Production of false, etc., competency test certificate, 47N Power to seize competency test certificate, 53 Revocation or suspension of instructors licence, 55 Application for driving school licence, 57 Revocation of driving school licence and forfeiture of deposit, 60 Appeal to Minister or Commissioner of Police, 62 Restriction on driving or riding by young persons, 62A Restriction on driving certain categories of heavy motor vehicles, 65 Driving without due care or reasonable consideration.
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